Woman Accidentally Seals Her Eyes Shut After Mistaking Superglue for Eyedrops

Thankfully, as the picture shows, she’s much better now.

Irmgard Holm of Phoenix, Ariz. is one of many people who have endured the optical disorder known as cataracts.  As a result, Holm underwent cataract surgery last year, as is the case with many cataract sufferers.

Since undergoing the surgery, Holm has to routinely administer a half dozen or so eyedrop medications.  Imagine her surprise (and horror) when she mistakenly grabbed a bottle of superglue and placed a few drops in her eyes.

First off, the burning sensation alerted Holm that something was amiss.  She then did what any rational person would do—she tried washing out the adhesive, to no avail.  The glue did exactly what it’s supposed to do, and sealed the poor woman’s eyes shut.

Fortunately paramedics and hospital staff were able to reopen Holm’s eyes and get them cleaned out before the glue could do any permanent damage.

Now don’t be so quick to pass this off as the mistake of a possibly senile old woman—far from it.  When compared to each other, the superglue and eyedrops bottles are practically identical.  And Ms. Holm’s tale is not unique either.  Cases of similar mix-ups involving superglue and such have been found as far back as 1982.

Good thing she doesn’t suffer from hemorrhoids—I shudder at what could happen if she confused her Preparation H with contact cement.

[My FOX Phoenix]


Jeff Greenwell is the writer/editor of Last Angry Fan. Jeff has been known to rock a Speedo while belting out Robert Goulet tunes from his front porch, and in his spare time he enjoys capturing and training feral goats to be his minions. Also known to dig a nice brick of cheese from time to time.
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