SuperDad fights the bullies he helped raise

rodeo clown
No, this is not the father, no, those are not his children, and no, this is not a proactive way to address bullying.
rodeo clown

No, this is not the father, no, those are not his children, and no, this is not a proactive way to address bullying.

In Australia, the father of a 17-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl dragged both children into a police station, having caught them bullying a 13-year-old boy for wearing glasses.  Not only did he get his children booked; he sold their car and horse and plans to testify on behalf of the bullied child if charges are pressed.

Whether the father, only known as Matt (his story was reported via radio broadcast) is going to such extraordinary lengths in order to fight bullies or to keep himself out of jail is unclear, though both may be true: He claimed to have been bullied for wearing glasses as well, an experience which discouraged him from wearing them at all and ultimately resulted in poor vision later in life.

Fortunately, the children seem to have learned their lesson, and have donated the proceeds from the sale of their horse and car to the victim.  [Source; Image]

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