Women makes up 20 kids for tax return, gives all of them the same birthday

uncle sam will get his money

uncle sam will get his money

If you’re going to lie on your taxes so that you can get a big refund, you would be well advised to keep the lies believable. Or better yet don’t lie at all and pay them in time unless you want to spend your twilight years working your butt off to repay an astronomical tax debt. That’s a lesson in commonsense that Norma Coronel missed.

From 2003 – 2011, the 40-year old resident of Livermore, California lied on her tax claimed to have her arms full with dependents – 20 of them to be precise. As if popping out 20 kids wasn’t an impressive feat in and of itself, she apparently did it all on a single day, December 11, 2002 – Octomom on STEROIDS. Of course, she didn’t actually have 20 dependents all born on a single day, it was an ill-conceived lie and it got her busted… and in the course of the investigation it was also found that she had been filling out fraudulent claims for friends and family members, without their knowledge mind you, and keeping the checks.

Coronel plead guilty in court in Los Angeles and Judge Maneul Real sentenced her to 18 months in jail, she was also ordered the $302,000 she got from the IRS for the fake claims. It also turns out that Coronel was in the US illegally, which begs the question, what is an illegal immigrant doing filling out a tax return.

The whole thing makes me wonder how she thought she wouldn’t get caught. I mean seriously, faking one kid and having them grow with you is one thing. Making up 20 that were born on the same day lacks creativity… but that she managed to get away with it for seven years suggests that someone, somewhere should definitely be getting fired.


A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
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