
Here at We Interrupt we want to have more than just another news blog, we want to work with our readers to create a community. If you want to help us stay up to the minute with the latest happenings from around the world then why not become part of the team and become a WI Reporter?

As a WI Reporter you can share news from your part of the world, or anywhere else for that matter, with the We Interrupt community. If you are interested, please read through our Terms of Service and write us a short email about why you want to become a WI Reporter.

Terms of Service
We do have a few rules that you must agree to before joining the team. Please read through them carefully, there are only ten.

1. WI Reporters agree not to post anything that is deliberately slanderous, defamatory, insulting, degrading or offensive.

2. WI Reporters agree to refrain from the use of profanity in the material that they publish. The only exception to this rule is when material is quoted or written in context.

3. WI Reporters agree that the material that they publish may be edited or removed without notice if it is found to contain errors or inaccuracies.

4. WI Reporters agree not to promote products in which they have a vested financial interest in the material that they publish without prior approval.

5. WI Reporters agree to only publish original material and to not plagiarize content from other sites.

6. WI Reporters agree to properly list the sources of the material that they publish.

7. WI Reporters agree that the content of the We Interrupt site and any attached sites belongs in its entirety to the owners of the site.

8. WI Reporters agree that they will not be compensated for the material that they publish, financially or otherwise.

9. WI Reporters agree that the owners of the site bear no responsibility for maintaining the website, attached websites or user accounts.

10. WI Reporters agree that the owners of the site may remove any member accounts at any time should members be found to have breached the Terms of Service or otherwise acted against the interests of the We Interrupt community.

If you accept the Terms of Service and want to become a WI Reporter, the next step is to send us a short personal email. Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you want to join us. Once we have reviewed and accepted your application, we will contact you with details about how to get started.

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