April 29, 2009
When a 41-year-old woman hit a Utah Highway Patrol trooper with her shoe and bit him, he did what any law enforcement officer would do and reached for his Taser, only to have it malfunction. He then threw the stun gun on the ground and attempted to do with his hands what he was unable to do with a weapon. It is alleged that Lisa Parker, 41, then managed to retrieve the Taser and incapacitate the officer with a “dry shock.”
Parker’s victory was short-lived, after a backup officer and K-9 unit arrived, she was subsequently Tasered and charged with aggravated assault, interference with an arresting officer and unauthorized control of a motor vehicle. [SFGate]
How funny is that, I think I’ve seen stuff like this on Tom and Jerry. His equipment malfuctions so he throws it down (like a child) then gets tasered. I hope they got this on Dash cam because that should turn into a training video on what not to do.
How funny is that, I think I’ve seen stuff like this on Tom and Jerry. His equipment malfuctions so he throws it down (like a child) then gets tasered. I hope they got this on Dash cam because that should turn into a training video on what not to do.
Hummm. They use a potentially deadly weapon to force compliance through pain, it does not fire and the officer tosses it down. Then when it is used on him and it works, it is aggravated assault, not simple assault. I too want to see his dashcam video. It should be a classic.
Hummm. They use a potentially deadly weapon to force compliance through pain, it does not fire and the officer tosses it down. Then when it is used on him and it works, it is aggravated assault, not simple assault. I too want to see his dashcam video. It should be a classic.
Always remember to keep your equipment under your control, like returning it to it’s holster. This is what I call an example of poor taser “gun control”.
Always remember to keep your equipment under your control, like returning it to it’s holster. This is what I call an example of poor taser “gun control”.
I sometimes watch police shows were they show the policemen as smart and intelligent all the time I’m thinking; “They never show the ones where the police get it wrong”.
Wow i hope they show that on TV. God, that cop’s gotta be so embarrassed!
I sometimes watch police shows were they show the policemen as smart and intelligent all the time I’m thinking; “They never show the ones where the police get it wrong”.
Wow i hope they show that on TV. God, that cop’s gotta be so embarrassed!
Am I missing something or are you actually siding with the idiot that tasered the Officer? I do not know where you are from, but I am very thankful to have quality police officers who do a great job of protecting and serving.
By the way Joy… I agree that he should not have even tried the taser… He should have used a baton, to cure her non-compliance. Or better yet…. shot her dead. Assault with a deadly weapon is what I would have charged her with, no telling what kind of nasty germs that brick was carrying.
I hope no officer is ever injured helping any of you.
“Or better yet…. shot her dead.”
Would you feel the same if it was say your daughter who drank to much and made a stupid mistake? I sure hope you do not own a gun Wayne.
lol@Wayne. Another old, bald, wannabe copper. You knew he was going to side with the pig… ehem… police officer.
Cops are getting worse everyday acting on impulse instead of actually trying to “protect & serve”.
Power & Money is all these government run agencies care about and these pigs are suffering from the trickle down effect.
PS. Stop voting for so-called crack down on crime measures that enforce mandatory minimum sentencing. Punitive sentencing only leads to recidivism.
These people get out of prison and fall back into their same ways because 1. their lives are now worse than before and 2. they learned no skills to change
The justice system is a joke. Might as well start lining every accused criminal up in front of a firing squad instead of delaying the deaths of those caught in a greedy legal system.
@Brian – I really want to know when the Taser went from being used exclusively as a non-lethal weapon to becoming a tool used to enforce compliance from difficult citizens.
If you ask me a Taser only has a place in life threatening situations; it is a potentially lethal weapon and shouldn’t be deployed just to make a police officer’s job easier.
@Magor — I couldn’t agree more. It’d be nice if it was true that the police served us, the citizens, rather than serving their own emotions.
We need a citizens board that has the final ruling on these cases. An unbiased, unpaid citizen group selected at random like a jury.
It is a very frustrating career to be a police officer, but let’s think before we drop out of high school to become a cop, “Can I handle being hated by everyone and not react impulsively when I am wronged?”
They have been given too much power and it’s time that we let them know that we aren’t okay with it.
Write letters to your local leaders and demand that action be taken.
The UHP mysteriously ‘loses’ their videos when it would incriminate them. I happen to be very conservative, like you, Wayne, but we have some real douche-bags working on the force here in Utah. The comments before yours were about the poor judgement of people who are allowed to CARRY deadly weapons; namely the police. You really think that a police MAN needs a taser or a baton to control a 41 year old woman? Was he in fear of dying by shoe? In Texas they may protect and serve, but we have a lot of drop out-thug-losers with badges here.
Oh, and REALLY? ‘better yet, shot her dead.’ REALLY? Over that? That’s impulsive and foolish to say.
Am I missing something or are you actually siding with the idiot that tasered the Officer? I do not know where you are from, but I am very thankful to have quality police officers who do a great job of protecting and serving.
By the way Joy… I agree that he should not have even tried the taser… He should have used a baton, to cure her non-compliance. Or better yet…. shot her dead. Assault with a deadly weapon is what I would have charged her with, no telling what kind of nasty germs that brick was carrying.
I hope no officer is ever injured helping any of you.
“Or better yet…. shot her dead.”
Would you feel the same if it was say your daughter who drank to much and made a stupid mistake? I sure hope you do not own a gun Wayne.
lol@Wayne. Another old, bald, wannabe copper. You knew he was going to side with the pig… ehem… police officer.
Cops are getting worse everyday acting on impulse instead of actually trying to “protect & serve”.
Power & Money is all these government run agencies care about and these pigs are suffering from the trickle down effect.
PS. Stop voting for so-called crack down on crime measures that enforce mandatory minimum sentencing. Punitive sentencing only leads to recidivism.
These people get out of prison and fall back into their same ways because 1. their lives are now worse than before and 2. they learned no skills to change
The justice system is a joke. Might as well start lining every accused criminal up in front of a firing squad instead of delaying the deaths of those caught in a greedy legal system.
@Brian – I really want to know when the Taser went from being used exclusively as a non-lethal weapon to becoming a tool used to enforce compliance from difficult citizens.
If you ask me a Taser only has a place in life threatening situations; it is a potentially lethal weapon and shouldn’t be deployed just to make a police officer’s job easier.
@Magor — I couldn’t agree more. It’d be nice if it was true that the police served us, the citizens, rather than serving their own emotions.
We need a citizens board that has the final ruling on these cases. An unbiased, unpaid citizen group selected at random like a jury.
It is a very frustrating career to be a police officer, but let’s think before we drop out of high school to become a cop, “Can I handle being hated by everyone and not react impulsively when I am wronged?”
They have been given too much power and it’s time that we let them know that we aren’t okay with it.
Write letters to your local leaders and demand that action be taken.
The UHP mysteriously ‘loses’ their videos when it would incriminate them. I happen to be very conservative, like you, Wayne, but we have some real douche-bags working on the force here in Utah. The comments before yours were about the poor judgement of people who are allowed to CARRY deadly weapons; namely the police. You really think that a police MAN needs a taser or a baton to control a 41 year old woman? Was he in fear of dying by shoe? In Texas they may protect and serve, but we have a lot of drop out-thug-losers with badges here.
Oh, and REALLY? ‘better yet, shot her dead.’ REALLY? Over that? That’s impulsive and foolish to say.
Was this woman drunk or just crazy? If a person with a badge/gun tells you to do something you do it! Not throw shoes or bit them. I am happy they are trained to use non-lethal first, but the officer could have shot her dead. hopefully the k-9 showed her who’s the boss and they actually punish her bad behavior.
It really doesn’t matter if she was drunk or crazy. A police officer, a man, is a coward (that’s right a straight up limp wristed pansy) for ever trying to use a weapon on a woman unless she has a weapon herself.
Come on…. let’s not be so blindly pro-government, pro-state, pro-“protect me captain save-a-ho” that we can’t see that we no longer have rights as citizens.
I abhor any fool who ignorantly sides with police officers justifying their abuse of power.
This cop should be fired and forced to have his index and middle fingers surgically removed so that he is unable to ever fire a weapon again.
I assume it’s only because you are hiding a few skeletons in your own closet.
Thank Jesus for the good police officers out there. The majority are complete tool bags.
@ Bryan
Wow man you are a piece of work you know that.
If you were put in the same situation with a woman throwing sh-t at you and biting you, and you had a taser would you not use it rather than the baton.
That woman is lucky she wasn’t shot after assaulting the cop. Now granted the cop shouldn’t have made a fit and thrown the taser but the woman was way out of line for tasing the cop.
Was this woman drunk or just crazy? If a person with a badge/gun tells you to do something you do it! Not throw shoes or bit them. I am happy they are trained to use non-lethal first, but the officer could have shot her dead. hopefully the k-9 showed her who’s the boss and they actually punish her bad behavior.
It really doesn’t matter if she was drunk or crazy. A police officer, a man, is a coward (that’s right a straight up limp wristed pansy) for ever trying to use a weapon on a woman unless she has a weapon herself.
Come on…. let’s not be so blindly pro-government, pro-state, pro-“protect me captain save-a-ho” that we can’t see that we no longer have rights as citizens.
I abhor any fool who ignorantly sides with police officers justifying their abuse of power.
This cop should be fired and forced to have his index and middle fingers surgically removed so that he is unable to ever fire a weapon again.
I assume it’s only because you are hiding a few skeletons in your own closet.
Thank Jesus for the good police officers out there. The majority are complete tool bags.
@ Bryan
Wow man you are a piece of work you know that.
If you were put in the same situation with a woman throwing sh-t at you and biting you, and you had a taser would you not use it rather than the baton.
That woman is lucky she wasn’t shot after assaulting the cop. Now granted the cop shouldn’t have made a fit and thrown the taser but the woman was way out of line for tasing the cop.
F$@k the pigs.
Uneducated, incompetent fucks.
What does a police officer have to do to get fired, or, god forbid, actually arrested?
Beat a bus full of nuns to death with a tire iron in front of a stadium full of witnesses?
I’m sure the police union would still defend him and make sure that he got paid while he was “investigated”.
I actually work for the government, and I make life difficult for the cops whenever I can, with a big, polite smile on my face, and you can’t stop me, officer pig-f#@ker.
The great part about Jesus was that what he taught flew in the face of the self-consumed religious folk and political leaders of His day.
These people who abuse their power here on earth are going to be in for one HELL of a judgment day.
Then the Lord said, “Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, Therefore behold, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously marvelous; And the wisdom of their wise men will perish, And the discernment of their discerning men will be concealed.”
Isaiah 29:13-14
F$@k the pigs.
Uneducated, incompetent fucks.
What does a police officer have to do to get fired, or, god forbid, actually arrested?
Beat a bus full of nuns to death with a tire iron in front of a stadium full of witnesses?
I’m sure the police union would still defend him and make sure that he got paid while he was “investigated”.
I actually work for the government, and I make life difficult for the cops whenever I can, with a big, polite smile on my face, and you can’t stop me, officer pig-f#@ker.
The great part about Jesus was that what he taught flew in the face of the self-consumed religious folk and political leaders of His day.
These people who abuse their power here on earth are going to be in for one HELL of a judgment day.
Then the Lord said, “Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, Therefore behold, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously marvelous; And the wisdom of their wise men will perish, And the discernment of their discerning men will be concealed.”
Isaiah 29:13-14
I agree with Wayne. Cops should just go back to beating the snot out of criminals with batons. Also it’s not wrong just because it was a woman. A woman can injure and possibly kill people too. Police need to maintain control of situations and if someone is stupid enough to go against them, well they deserve whatever consequence comes their way. It’s the rules we have to follow to live in a civilized society.
I hope that a cop tells you to lick his boot heel and you ‘just do it’ because you’re supposed to do what a cop says. Oh, and if you don’t, apparently you deserve whatever consequence comes your way. Nice logic.
I agree with Wayne. Cops should just go back to beating the snot out of criminals with batons. Also it’s not wrong just because it was a woman. A woman can injure and possibly kill people too. Police need to maintain control of situations and if someone is stupid enough to go against them, well they deserve whatever consequence comes their way. It’s the rules we have to follow to live in a civilized society.
I hope that a cop tells you to lick his boot heel and you ‘just do it’ because you’re supposed to do what a cop says. Oh, and if you don’t, apparently you deserve whatever consequence comes your way. Nice logic.