November 7, 2010
The Chaves County Clerk has announced that, in accordance with New Mexico law, a deadlocked county commission race must be decided with a game of chance.
Eloy Ortega and James Duffy are living proof that every vote counts, both of them received 1,004 votes in the election for county commissioner.
Clerk Rhoda Coakley explained how the deadlock will be resolved:
They’ll have to either flip a coin, draw straws or cut the cards. But I suggested they maybe play a game of 5 card stud and whoever had the best hand would win.
There is still a chance that the poker game may not be needed as there are 16 military ballots still outstanding – but if those are not postmarked with before November 2 they will not be counted and the game will proceed as the law demands.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by CSMagor, Alltop Odd. Alltop Odd said: Election deadlock may be settled with game of chance […]
Just flip the coin. This method has been used to settle many tied elections in Alabama through the years. Fast, cheap and no way for the Democrats to cheat!