Bullies tend to target people that they perceive as weak. In this case, the much smaller bully taunts and punches a large, seemingly passive chubby kid… The thing is the bully, whose name has been revealed to be Ritchard was a 12-year-old (as he is a juvenile We Interrupt will not print his last name) and the victim, Casey, was 16.
As you can see from the video, Ritchard begins his assault on the initially passive Casey by grabbing his throat, before punching him in the face. After a little to-ing and fro-ing Casey gets medieval on his puny assailant: he picks him up and smashes him onto the cold concrete. Ritchard limps off to the safety of his comrades – for a brief second we see his face, which appears to register disbelief that his “victim” just destroyed him in front of an audience of his peers.
Both students were suspended. That Casey was too, merely for standing up for himself, may seem a little harsh – it is and it isn’t. It gives both kids a chance to cool off, by the time the two of them return to school Ritchard should have had plenty of time to reflect on how he got himself tossed onto the ground like a rag doll and Casey will have had time to savor his victory.
While I would like to believe that there is a lesson to be learned for young Ritchard in all of this, the phonetic spelling of his name strongly suggests a nurture aspect to his behavior.
Casey’s father explained that he did not wish to talk to the media:
There’ll be reprisals from other kids in the school and he still has to go to school somewhere, He’s not a violent kid, it’s the first time he’s lashed out and I don’t want him to be victimised over that.
He’s always been taught never to hit. Apparently other people’s parents don’t teach their kids that.

Great job Casey. All bullys are COWARDS. You could`ve crushed him but you did`nt.Maybe now they will leave you alone.
PS,,I heard that the little bully`s mother wants an apology.That stupid bitch needs her ass slammed as well.
Casey, you will never have a problem with that bully again! I’m sure the little bully will choose his targets much more carefully from now on.