Once you hear the particulars of Sarinya Kamsook and Chadil Deffy’s story you’ll realize that their tale is less creepy than you think, and more sorrowful than you could ever imagine.
The Thai couple had been together for 10 years before finally setting a date for the nuptials this month. Sadly, Sarinya died from injuries sustained in a car accident just days before the couple were to be wed. Chadil was undeterred and decided to go ahead and marry his bride-to-be on January 4, just a day after his fiancee had passed away, knowing that it was her ultimate desire to be his wife. The ceremony took place in the northern Thailand city of Surin, with Sarinya resplendant in her wedding dress, and Chadil nattily attired in is tuxedo and top hat.
Here’s video of the event…

Sad isn’t it? Like a real life corpse bride, only with less weird animation and Helena Bonham Carter.
Finally, I really hope the marriage wasn’t consummated. And before you go getting in a moral uproar over such a question, admit it, you were wondering the same thing.