A cab driver in Xi’an, Northern China is a hero after risking his life to save a teenage girl who fell through the pavement while walking down the street. Water had created a sink hole, making the sidewalk weak, which crumbled like glass under her feet as she fell.
Without thinking twice, Wang Wei, stopped his taxi and ran over to the hole. Calling out to her, he didn’t get a response and immediately climbed down the hole to the girl using a cable that was tied under the pavement.
“I called out to her but she didn’t respond. After I shook her a little, she came to,” he tells media, ” “The dirt kept showering down on us and the kid couldn’t stop crying.”
Not only did dirt keep falling down on them, the ground underneath kept moving, presumably from the running ground water that caused the pavement to weaken and collapse. This kept them from being able to climb back up the cable and the two had to wait for firefighters to get there with a ladder. Even then, the way out was unsteady and frightening for the girl.
“The ladder kept moving about, it’s a little flimsy and the girl kept screaming out of fear. So I told her to go first and I’ll be right behind her. Finally we managed to get out,” Wang said.
Sink holes seem to be a growing problem in the country and there’s no denying it as CCTV video footage proves it. [Source]