C. S. Magor

C.S. Magor is the editor-in-chief and a reporter at large for We Interrupt and Uberreview. He currently resides in the Japanese countryside approximately two hours from Tokyo - where he has spent the better part of a decade testing his hypothesis that Japan is neither as quirky nor as interesting as others would have you believe.
  • Roadside birth caught on Google Streetview

    The Google Streetview cars have rolled past plenty of interesting scenes in the past: perverts loitering around strip clubs, crime scenes, etc. Now it would seem that a roadside birth has been added to the list… or that a merry band of pranksters just happened to be in the...
  • PacMan Moleskine notebooks now available Stateside

    Remember those PacMan-themed Moleskine notebooks we featured a while back? At the time, they were exclusive to Moleskine Asia – which meant you could get them from Hong Kong or not at all… until now. Did I mention that they come with stickers? Price: $14.95-29.95...
  • Call Of Duty “activity partner” could be worst job ever

    While this ad is clearly a joke, I’m sure there have been people that have considered digging into their pockets to hire someone to free up more game time. For anyone seriously considering doing so, however, I would advise offering more than cheap beer and one turn of Call...
  • Guy tricks bully into drinking urine, find himself in legal hot water

    The case of “Todd” was raised on Reddit recently. If his friend is to be believed, “Todd” was the target of a serial bully who enjoyed stealing and drinking his Mountain Dew. Eventually the young man decided that enough was enough and that he was going to make the...
  • Junk touching gets Taiwanese animation treatment

    The John Tyner “if you touch my junk I’ll have you arrested” incident has gotten the Taiwanese animation treatment – and I’ve got to say, they’ve done it again. NMA World Edition have a real knack for taking a situation and distilling it down to the core events and...
  • Burger King workers canned over receipt profanity

    Who knew that fast food workers could write whatever they wanted on your receipt. Apparently they can, and a dude called Armand did – because two Burger King workers just got fired for including “FUCK YOU” with the itemized description of their customer’s purchase. From the receipt we see...
  • Oops… prison accidentally labels area “execution yard”

    Russian speaking prisoners might be forgiven for having thought that there was more to British prisons than meets the eye, when a handbook distributed to them accidentally called the exercise yard the “execution yard”. The nomenclature FUBAR was not the only complaint raised about the aging Victorian penitentiary in...
  • Bristol Palin’s dancing was catalyst for 15-hour standoff

    A 67-year-old Vermont man became so frustrated with Bristol Palin’s success on Dancing with the Stars that he shot the TV. Before shooting the TV, Steven Cowan is said to have demanded that his wife produce his pistols – fortunately for all concerned, they had previously been hidden by...
  • London in 80 gigapixels

    This incredible panorama of the city of London is the biggest 360-degree panorama made to date – and weighs in at a hard disk crushing 80 gigapixels. To put that in some sort of perspective, a single 18-megapixel image fills an A2 page. This is an 80-gigapixel panoramic photo,...