• Psychadelic milk trick [video]

    If you want to spoil the magic of the spinning food coloring-milk-thing that is happening in this video, by all means listen to the scientific explanation that accompanies it, otherwise – turn off your speakers and enjoy the show. ...
  • Firing a 500-year-old 3-barrel pole cannon [video]

    A couple of older gentlemen demonstrate how a 3-barreled pole cannon (so called because it would have been attached to a pole) might have been fired. It proves a formidable weapon, in spite of it having last seen action circa 1500. ...
  • Steel, rock melted with sunlight [Bang Goes the Theory]

    Jem, from BBC’s Bang Goes the Theory gets up close and personal with the solar oven to end all solar ovens. At the focus point, the temperature reaches a searing 3500°C; hot enough to melt steel – hot enough even to melt rock. —Thanks Dan...
  • Guy builds Hot Wheels track for 1,200 cars [Metropolis II]

    If you live within striking distance of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, you might want to head down there to check out the enormous Hot Wheels track that artist Chris Burden has put on display. Watching the 1,200 cars and 13 trains zipping around Metropolis II (mostly...
  • 17 Gigapixel photo

    This 17 gigapixel photo shows what can be accomplished with a long lens, a big hard disk and lots of stitching. Granted, it is about a quarter of the size of the 360-degree London panorama, but it is an impressive effort nonetheless....
  • London in 80 gigapixels

    This incredible panorama of the city of London is the biggest 360-degree panorama made to date – and weighs in at a hard disk crushing 80 gigapixels. To put that in some sort of perspective, a single 18-megapixel image fills an A2 page. This is an 80-gigapixel panoramic photo,...
  • Own a quarter-million dollar piece of Apple history [Apple-1]

    The computer pictured here is one of the 200 original Apple-1 computers built by Steve Jobs in his parents’ garage in 1976. It was the first personal computer that could be purchased fully assembled. With its 8K of memory, 1.0 MHz MOS 6502 processor and cassette type read-write interface,...
  • Teen left parayzed, unable to talk after ear piercing went horribly wrong

    Ear piercing is not normally something that is considered dangerous, but it can be, just ask 15-year-old Grace Etherington. Grace developed a rare auto-immune disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome when her ear became infected after it had been pierced a few days earlier. The first indication that something was wrong...
  • Man loses weight on diet of Twinkies, Doritos, Oreos and Hostess Cakes

    In order to explore the significance of caloric-reduction as opposed to nutrition in weight-loss, Kansas State University human nutrition professor Mark Haub undertook an interesting challenge – he ate nothing but sugary snacks and Doritos for two months. He reported some interesting findings. For the two-month duration of his...