
  • Man loses genitals in electrical mishap, alcohol involvement suspected

    A Talladega man admitted himself to hospital after suffering burns to more than 90% of his body in an Alabama Power substation early Friday morning. Police Chief Alan Watson speculated that Willie Eugene Lewis scaled the fence around 2 a.m. Friday and began climbing onto some equipment and holding...
  • Couple pushed boys in stroller with booze and bayonet

    A drunk Michigan couple were relieved of the custody of their children after police spotted them pushing a stroller with their two young boys, open containers of booze and a bayonet. The man, 52, and woman, 30, came to the attention of the Ypsilanti constabulary when the woman allegedly...
  • George Washington’s whiskey gets remade for a good cause

    A production run of the whiskey produced using the first president’s recipe is available for the first time since a fire destroyed the facility and with it, the original recipe, in 1814. A copy of the recipe that had been discovered in his mansion was turned into some of...
  • Emergency: I want a Husband

    Fifty Seven year old Ohio woman Audrey Scott spent three days in jail for calling the police emergency line five times……. seeking a husband. The dispatcher was reported to be ‘flabbergasted’ by the request. She asked Scott You need to get a husband? Scott responded Yes The despatcher told...
  • Cops Charge Man Over Self-inflicted Groin Shot

    A Breckenridge, Colorado man found himself on the wrong side of authorities after he allegedly tried to defend himself from a mugger, with a firearm… whilst under the influence of alcohol. David Leroy Blurton claimed that he pulled out his gun and fired after he was hit on the...
  • Chef Dies In Freak Eel Butt Prank Accident

    Share A Chinese man died after an eel ate his bowels – how said eel came to be in the presence of his bowels is where things get more than a little weird. The 59-year-old, who has not been identified, was drinking with what can be presumed to be...
  • Man Drove Drunk to Prison to Serve DUI Sentence

    Southern State Correctional Facility, Vermont: Vermont State police say that charged a man with a second DUI offense as he was driving himself to the Southern State Correctional Facility to serve prison time for his first. The Associated Press reports that prison officials became aware of the 42-year-old’s state...
  • Top Secret Potter Script Left in Bar

    Hertfordshire, England: A drinker made a surprise discovery in an English bar – someone had left a copy of the screenplay for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows unattended. The film is set to have a few surprises for Potter faithfuls as it departs from J.K. Rowling’s original in...
  • Bride Exposed Breasts Then Slammed Bouncer With Stiletto Heel

    Swansea, the United Kingdom: Sharon Hancox chose her wedding night to settle a presumed score with a bouncer that she claimed had sexually assaulted her two years previously, with a stiletto heel to the head. Metro reports that the 40-year-old Hancox had spent the night toasting her betrothal to...