
  • iPad Addiction In Toddlers In The UK

    It’s scary but it’s apparently true. A 4-year old iPad addict is getting treatment in the UK for her addiction to the device and it’s something experts are saying is on the rise. The young girl in question has been admitted into a program for her obsession with the...
  • Why can’t humans walk in a straight line

    When it comes down to it, we humans really are a flawed species. Sure, we’ve got our thumbs – but take away our visual points of reference and we don’t all morph into Zatoichi, we just wander around in progressively smaller circles until we bump into a tree. This...
  • Jastrow’s duck-rabbit gains a third dimension

    The famous duck-rabbit (or is it rabbit-duck) image has been turned into a sculpture that has precisely the same visual effect in 3D. The original duck-rabbit (shown below), created by American psychologist Joseph Jastrow, is an ambiguous image that he used to illustrate differences in perception – way back...