I know I will offend a bunch of people when I say this, but the seeds for The Phantom Menace were planted in Return of the Jedi. Too cute, too happy – where was the hard edge that we saw in the earlier episodes? The short answer to that...
When it comes down to it, we humans really are a flawed species. Sure, we’ve got our thumbs – but take away our visual points of reference and we don’t all morph into Zatoichi, we just wander around in progressively smaller circles until we bump into a tree. This...
The team at Mighty Car Mods explain the ins and outs of getting your vehicle ready for a pandemic of zombieism. It is a fairly long video, but is definitely worth watching if you like zombies and/or being prepared....
If the original trilogy is to be believed, there is no shortage of highly-functional prostheses in the far away galaxy that Lord Vader calls his home – lucky for him because he takes some serious damage in the most famous one-sided duel of all time. ...
The folks at Team Unicorn FTW have put together this wonderful instructional video on how to survive a zombie attack over the holidays. It includes useful tips like not prioritizing one’s pies, giving children guns, and what to do when grandma gets bitten. ...
It would seem that the Technische Universität München in Germany has decided to put its engineering department’s skills to good use – with a speedier stair-alternative. Students and faculty who decide to put their lives in the hands of physics will be able to slide from top floor all...
This slaughterhouse, which is a gingerbread house in meat instead of cookies, looks like it would feed an army of hungry carnivores or a couple of really big ones. Hopefully the people responsible for this meaty monstrosity did the right thing and saw that none of the delicious meat...
Videos of hurdles are often as amusing as the event itself. This one comes out of China but as you can see from the second video below – hurdles failure is a universal phenomenon. ...
If you’ve not seen any of the earlier Werner Herzog Reads videos by YouTuber RyanIverson, you really should. He sounds more like hard-boiled German director Werner Herzog than Werner Herzog. Take this description of jolly old St Nick: …He is short – even dwarvish in size, fat and old...