7. Anti-teen Helos
Not content to merely embarrass or inconvenience their youth problem away, authorities in Weston-super-Mare upped the ante in the U.K. war against the young by bringing in the heavy artillery, or more correctly, air support. When police want gatherings of youths to disperse in the seaside town, they shine powerful, blinding halogen spotlights on them until they go away.
Verdict: Blinding annhilation! While civil libertarians may find the tactics like blinding teenagers with airborne spotlights a little more suited to a police state than a modern democracy, it works.
A Final Thought
While employing various methods of social control to prevent teenagers from gathering together might stop them from meeting in large groups, one cannot help but wonder why it is necessary at all. The people implementing these methods were young once upon a time and no doubt they committed their fair share of stupid teenage misdeeds, don’t the present generation deserve the opportunity to learn from their mistakes as well?
This article could not have been completed without the excellent work of Dan Lockton from Design With Intent. While the sources of this article were various, searches of Design With Intent turned up far more information and far better images than I could have ever hoped to find anywhere else.
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Are you nuts…you underestimate teens…and why are you SO frightened of them?!
While the jury is still out as to whether I am officially nuts or not I can tell you that I am not by any means frightened by teens. It seems, however, that authorities in Britain are and that is what I was trying to put across with this article.
Are you nuts…you underestimate teens…and why are you SO frightened of them?!
While the jury is still out as to whether I am officially nuts or not I can tell you that I am not by any means frightened by teens. It seems, however, that authorities in Britain are and that is what I was trying to put across with this article.
Jesus, powerful minds are at work trying to deter teens? Those steps are invisible. Geez a few bikers have HAD to break a fall there even with the lines. The spikes are just… wow… those last ones belong on maces. The lights, are you kidding me? Waaay overboard there for just teenagers. God… but the music technique is stupid. My friends and I would eventually like the music hahahaha.
With the music, I strongly believe people would grow immune or grow to like it. Michael Bolton or Kenny G on the other hand…
I agree with you Chris, if it was Michael Bolton or Kenny G I would leave the area but if it was country and western I would leave the city
While most country music doesn’t do it for me, I’ve always got time for The Man in Black.
San Quentin (Live in San Quentin)
Even death metal fanatics can make time for some Johnny Cash. That guy was bad-ass!
Jesus, powerful minds are at work trying to deter teens? Those steps are invisible. Geez a few bikers have HAD to break a fall there even with the lines. The spikes are just… wow… those last ones belong on maces. The lights, are you kidding me? Waaay overboard there for just teenagers. God… but the music technique is stupid. My friends and I would eventually like the music hahahaha.
With the music, I strongly believe people would grow immune or grow to like it. Michael Bolton or Kenny G on the other hand…
I agree with you Chris, if it was Michael Bolton or Kenny G I would leave the area but if it was country and western I would leave the city
While most country music doesn’t do it for me, I’ve always got time for The Man in Black.
San Quentin (Live in San Quentin)
Even death metal fanatics can make time for some Johnny Cash. That guy was bad-ass!
Where are they supposed to go to hang out?
Maybe the solution is more youth-friendly space? More youth centres, rec centres, sports grounds, free gyms, use of community halls, school grounds etc.
Chasing teens away will make them resentful, and encourage antisocial behavior. Give them respect, and and expect them to act responsibly, and many will.
Where are they supposed to go to hang out?
Maybe the solution is more youth-friendly space? More youth centres, rec centres, sports grounds, free gyms, use of community halls, school grounds etc.
Chasing teens away will make them resentful, and encourage antisocial behavior. Give them respect, and and expect them to act responsibly, and many will.
are you kidding me?! do the people in power in the UK not remember what they did as teens?! why can’t they just let the teens enjoy their youth?! Seems to me like the “powers that be” are bitter that they can no longer enjoy themselves in the carefree way teens do. Using these tactics on kids that are actually causing a disturbance is what they should be doing. “without a handrail (which could encourage leaning).” are you F*#^ing kidding me?! the UK is looking more and more like Saddam’s Iraq. STOP HATEING YOUR KIDS YOU IDIOTS!!
P.S (to the author)
Good article!
are you kidding me?! do the people in power in the UK not remember what they did as teens?! why can’t they just let the teens enjoy their youth?! Seems to me like the “powers that be” are bitter that they can no longer enjoy themselves in the carefree way teens do. Using these tactics on kids that are actually causing a disturbance is what they should be doing. “without a handrail (which could encourage leaning).” are you F*#^ing kidding me?! the UK is looking more and more like Saddam’s Iraq. STOP HATEING YOUR KIDS YOU IDIOTS!!
P.S (to the author)
Good article!
Where I come from, the people who complain about other people’s perfectly ordinary behaviour (and lobby councils/write letters/generally make nuisances of themselves) are called NIMBYs (“Not in my backyard”). There’s enough of these lame-os in the world that, when communities get in the habit of listening to them, they can quickly play havoc.
Generally, NIMBYs are best when ignored. Eventually they go back to bitching to their wives, who are better equipped to ignore them.
Where I come from, the people who complain about other people’s perfectly ordinary behaviour (and lobby councils/write letters/generally make nuisances of themselves) are called NIMBYs (“Not in my backyard”). There’s enough of these lame-os in the world that, when communities get in the habit of listening to them, they can quickly play havoc.
Generally, NIMBYs are best when ignored. Eventually they go back to bitching to their wives, who are better equipped to ignore them.
Why do they want to discourage ‘groups of teens’?
It’s not like they’re doing any harm hanging out.
When I was younger, we used to chill places and never get complaints. When the police turn up it’s just pointless. I suppose you do get people who go out to cause trouble or whatever, but that’s in certain areas. Spending so much time and money on this ‘issue’ is unnecessary.
Why do they want to discourage ‘groups of teens’?
It’s not like they’re doing any harm hanging out.
When I was younger, we used to chill places and never get complaints. When the police turn up it’s just pointless. I suppose you do get people who go out to cause trouble or whatever, but that’s in certain areas. Spending so much time and money on this ‘issue’ is unnecessary.
[…] offending student has since apologized and the yearbooks have been altered to remove the message. There is, as of […]
I really don’t get why anyone between 20 and 13 are treated with such disrespect. Most adults judge teens simply because they are in that year group. Watch “V for Vendetta” – it’s basically what’s happening but a whole lot worse. Basically they’re watered down Nazis – a political group, who are prejudice against a certain group for no, or hardly any, reason. I bet they just love coming up with new and different ideas and inventions to course discomfort to teens. Besides they’re kind of shooting themselves in the foot because my 35 year friend has acne and he gets really embarrassed to go near the pink lights and two of my other (adult) friends can hear the Mosquitos (besides, they say that the things aren’t THAT annoying).
Why is it so bad that young people have a social life, get out doors and see their friends – I’ve already heard rumors of a teen-only curfew.
Great article though.
I really don’t get why anyone between 20 and 13 are treated with such disrespect. Most adults judge teens simply because they are in that year group. Watch “V for Vendetta” – it’s basically what’s happening but a whole lot worse. Basically they’re watered down Nazis – a political group, who are prejudice against a certain group for no, or hardly any, reason. I bet they just love coming up with new and different ideas and inventions to course discomfort to teens. Besides they’re kind of shooting themselves in the foot because my 35 year friend has acne and he gets really embarrassed to go near the pink lights and two of my other (adult) friends can hear the Mosquitos (besides, they say that the things aren’t THAT annoying).
Why is it so bad that young people have a social life, get out doors and see their friends – I’ve already heard rumors of a teen-only curfew.
Great article though.