Centenarian Busted With Six Tons Of Marijuana

bagged-plantsA Nigerian man who claims to be 114 years old has been caught with 6.5 tons of marijuana. His age has not been independently confirmed and some might question Sulaiman Adebayo’s honesty, after he told the narcotics agents that the sacks holding the contraband only contained rice. Due to the amount of the drug seized, authorities are convinced that more people were involved. [Reuters]


C.S. Magor is the editor-in-chief and a reporter at large for We Interrupt and Uberreview. He currently resides in the Japanese countryside approximately two hours from Tokyo - where he has spent the better part of a decade testing his hypothesis that Japan is neither as quirky nor as interesting as others would have you believe.
2 Comments on this post.
  • Iphone scale
    6 March 2010 at 1:07 pm
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    This old guy must have really loved marijuana or he had no idea of what was going on in he’s backyard.

    It’s impresive anyway.

    I wonder who will be there to take joy when they will burn all that stuff up.

  • Iphone scale
    6 March 2010 at 8:07 am
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    This old guy must have really loved marijuana or he had no idea of what was going on in he’s backyard.

    It’s impresive anyway.

    I wonder who will be there to take joy when they will burn all that stuff up.

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