A five-year-old boy from Queensland, Australia was left with a large, intricately detailed, dragon-shaped scar after a henna tattoo he received in Bali left him with a chemical burn. His parents fear that he may be scarred for life.
Cannon Cribb received the henna tattoo while he was holidaying with his parents in Bali, Indonesia. The “henna” actually contained para-phenylenediamine, but no reaction was noticed until the henna wore off, leaving a large welt in the shape of the oriental dragon that he had been tattooed with.
According to the boy’s mother, Leiona Cribb:
I really hope it doesn’t scar. We’re hopeful but it’s the whole length of his arm; a huge dragon.
The scar is being treated as a chemical burn, requiring dressing several times a day and application of a topical steroid.
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EVERYONE PANIC! I seriously had the same thing happen to me. Same exact looking scar. It went away in two weeks. Nothing to worry about.
I think that’s a lucky kid. He will remember that for the rest of his life and it’s rad!
EVERYONE PANIC! I seriously had the same thing happen to me. Same exact looking scar. It went away in two weeks. Nothing to worry about.
I think that’s a lucky kid. He will remember that for the rest of his life and it’s rad!
Wow, he’ll be the most bad ass kid in kindergarten, that’s for sure.
hahaha, that’s the same thing I was thinking XD
Wow, he’ll be the most bad ass kid in kindergarten, that’s for sure.
hahaha, that’s the same thing I was thinking XD
That kid is already more badass looking then me.
That kid is already more badass looking then me.
1. awesome tattoo
2. frightening composure
3. Steroids!
his parents are intent on creating a monster
1. awesome tattoo
2. frightening composure
3. Steroids!
his parents are intent on creating a monster
It is just as Master Oogway predicted, he is the Dragon Warrior.
It is just as Master Oogway predicted, he is the Dragon Warrior.
hey could be worse
hey could be worse
Wow, too bad it didnt happen in the US. There would be blood sucking, bottom feeding attorneys lined up around the block to jump on that gravy train!
Wow, too bad it didnt happen in the US. There would be blood sucking, bottom feeding attorneys lined up around the block to jump on that gravy train!
[…] Temp tattoo gone wrong leaves kindergartner with kinda’ badass permanent tattoo. Digg it | reddit | del.icio.us | Fark […]
Niño de 5 años se hace un tatuaje de henna, y sufre de una reacción química que lo podría marcar para siempre…
Un niño de Australia, hizo un viaje a Bali con su familia y decidieron dibujarle un dragón en el brazo con henna, lamentablemente el niño desarrolló una reacción química a la tinta que le marcó y podría ser permanente. [Eng]…
[…] Five-year-old Boy Left With Intricate Dragon-shaped Scar After Henna Tattoo Goes Wrong – with surprising photo […]
[…] This story about a boy who lives in Austrailia and had a temporary Henna tattoo of a dragon possibly permanently burn it’s design into his skin is being passed around the web. Mainly to warn the other kindergardeners who’s boss at the sand table. […]
The parents should just be glad it wasn’t a unicorn or something.
The parents should just be glad it wasn’t a unicorn or something.
I read about this, the regular henna tattoos that are brown-reddish in color are generally safe, but those that have been colored black or blue with PPD often leave burns and permanent scars. Be careful which color you choose for your “fake” tattoo!
Henna is not used for tattoos fake or otherwise, it is simply a semi-permanent dye used for painting on skin which rubs off naturally over the course of a few days.
actually, depending on how pure the henna mix is, and how long you leave it on, it can last from a week to three months
A henna will only last up to 3-4 weeks, NOT 3 months! Even with the proper after care it will only last at most 3 weeks. I am a henna artist…
I’m sorry correction, will last up to 6 wks with proper after care!
Exactly what I was thinking. Many advisories have been issued about black henna.
So What is ‘Black Henna’?
Para-phenylendiamine or PPD based black hair dye. This is an illegal chemical to use on the skin in Canada, because of its severe toxicity:
Para-phenylenediamine is a strong sensitizer.
Sensitizer means that every body is naturally allergic to PPD to some degree, and every time the PPD is used, the body will react more violently to it. Some people have PPD tattoos once or twice without reaction. But on the 3rd or 4th time, that same person could end up with permanent scarring or end up in the hospital in a life threatening reaction. There can also be sensitization to other products. So after having a PPD tattoo without reaction, you could a week later react severely to: cosmetics, lotions, sunscreen, medications, black clothing, ink, dark leather, etc..
PPD is carcinogenic & causes many other health problems!
Within seconds the toxins from PPD ‘henna’ enter the blood stream and can cause: Cancer, liver tumors, asthma, angioneurotic edema, renal failure, mutated cells, muscle necrosis causing death, permanent scarring, chronic skin conditions, eye & face irritation, bronchitis, etc…
When PPD breaks down in the body, the metabolic residue is more damaging than the actual PPD molecule.
PPD has a delayed reaction:
Typically, a person won’t react until 3 – 10 days after having a PPD tattoo applied. Usually by this time the negligent artist has moved on, unaccountable to the damage caused & the person fails to make the connection between the PPD and reaction.
How to tell if it’s PPD ‘Black Henna’
1. If you can watch first & see that the paste is black & stains the skin right away, it’s PPD.
2. Ask how long the paste needs to stay on. If they say less than 1 hr, it’s not real henna.
3. Ask them what colour it will stain. If they say black instead of red-brown, it’s not henna.
4. Ask the artist what’s in the paste. If they can’t tell you, don’t trust them.
For your safety & the health of others, please report anyone using illegal PPD “Black Henna”
I read about this, the regular henna tattoos that are brown-reddish in color are generally safe, but those that have been colored black or blue with PPD often leave burns and permanent scars. Be careful which color you choose for your “fake” tattoo!
Henna is not used for tattoos fake or otherwise, it is simply a semi-permanent dye used for painting on skin which rubs off naturally over the course of a few days.
actually, depending on how pure the henna mix is, and how long you leave it on, it can last from a week to three months
A henna will only last up to 3-4 weeks, NOT 3 months! Even with the proper after care it will only last at most 3 weeks. I am a henna artist…
I’m sorry correction, will last up to 6 wks with proper after care!
Exactly what I was thinking. Many advisories have been issued about black henna.
So What is ‘Black Henna’?
Para-phenylendiamine or PPD based black hair dye. This is an illegal chemical to use on the skin in Canada, because of its severe toxicity:
Para-phenylenediamine is a strong sensitizer.
Sensitizer means that every body is naturally allergic to PPD to some degree, and every time the PPD is used, the body will react more violently to it. Some people have PPD tattoos once or twice without reaction. But on the 3rd or 4th time, that same person could end up with permanent scarring or end up in the hospital in a life threatening reaction. There can also be sensitization to other products. So after having a PPD tattoo without reaction, you could a week later react severely to: cosmetics, lotions, sunscreen, medications, black clothing, ink, dark leather, etc..
PPD is carcinogenic & causes many other health problems!
Within seconds the toxins from PPD ‘henna’ enter the blood stream and can cause: Cancer, liver tumors, asthma, angioneurotic edema, renal failure, mutated cells, muscle necrosis causing death, permanent scarring, chronic skin conditions, eye & face irritation, bronchitis, etc…
When PPD breaks down in the body, the metabolic residue is more damaging than the actual PPD molecule.
PPD has a delayed reaction:
Typically, a person won’t react until 3 – 10 days after having a PPD tattoo applied. Usually by this time the negligent artist has moved on, unaccountable to the damage caused & the person fails to make the connection between the PPD and reaction.
How to tell if it’s PPD ‘Black Henna’
1. If you can watch first & see that the paste is black & stains the skin right away, it’s PPD.
2. Ask how long the paste needs to stay on. If they say less than 1 hr, it’s not real henna.
3. Ask them what colour it will stain. If they say black instead of red-brown, it’s not henna.
4. Ask the artist what’s in the paste. If they can’t tell you, don’t trust them.
For your safety & the health of others, please report anyone using illegal PPD “Black Henna”
Where can I get one?
Where can I get one?
[…] The Full Story Files under Viral Content […]
He’s only 5, my worst scars have mostly disappeared from that age. What I’m worried about are those topical steroids. Those do more harm than good.
Topical steroids are nothing much to worry about, it is just cortisone ointment, probably to treat any residual irritation of the skin.
He’s only 5, my worst scars have mostly disappeared from that age. What I’m worried about are those topical steroids. Those do more harm than good.
Topical steroids are nothing much to worry about, it is just cortisone ointment, probably to treat any residual irritation of the skin.
[…] Full Article […]
What disturbs me the most is, why in the world would the parents made a frickin’ 5-year-old kid get a dragon tattoo half-way down his arm? Can you say “Kindergarden bad-ass biker dude”?
He probably wanted it. I know my son loves temporary tattoos and he is only 3.
it’s not like it’s a real tattoo
it’s only a skin stain
What disturbs me the most is, why in the world would the parents made a frickin’ 5-year-old kid get a dragon tattoo half-way down his arm? Can you say “Kindergarden bad-ass biker dude”?
He probably wanted it. I know my son loves temporary tattoos and he is only 3.
it’s not like it’s a real tattoo
it’s only a skin stain
Cool kid.
Cool kid.
Chuck Norris’ love child finally surfaces.
….his hot wheels license plate reads: NTRDADRGN
Chuck Norris’ love child finally surfaces.
….his hot wheels license plate reads: NTRDADRGN
Let’s focus on the more serious issue that is guaranteed to have lasting negative consequences, his name is Cannon Cribb
Let’s focus on the more serious issue that is guaranteed to have lasting negative consequences, his name is Cannon Cribb
He is the chosen one!
He is the chosen one!
i might be the first to say it, but definitely not the first to think it. MILF.
i might be the first to say it, but definitely not the first to think it. MILF.
Cannon Crib? Hey that was MY roleplay name!
Wow that kid is badass… just look at his tuff face and tuff clothes and tuff name and tuff tat! “Mustangs, they’re tuff” Oh sorry, Outsider’s quote. I have feelign somewhere having artful chemical burns is going to become a buisness.
Cannon Crib? Hey that was MY roleplay name!
Wow that kid is badass… just look at his tuff face and tuff clothes and tuff name and tuff tat! “Mustangs, they’re tuff” Oh sorry, Outsider’s quote. I have feelign somewhere having artful chemical burns is going to become a buisness.
i wonder if it was rly painful. it looks awesome. id like havin that on my arm if i was a cute little boy, and being able to say its a scar, not a tattoo. lol.
i wonder if it was rly painful. it looks awesome. id like havin that on my arm if i was a cute little boy, and being able to say its a scar, not a tattoo. lol.
[…] From weinterrupt.com comes this story of yet another body art mishap, this time on a five-year-old boy who sat for a temporary henna tattoo while on vacation with his parents in Indonesia. […]
meh, my mom had the same reaction to one at one point, it went away in like two weeks, with stuff on it.
but fuck, i wish i’d known it was so newsworthy, our family could be famous by now… if only i’d contacted the reporters!
It goes away for some people and doesn’t for others. It depends on the level of his chemical sensitivity.
meh, my mom had the same reaction to one at one point, it went away in like two weeks, with stuff on it.
but fuck, i wish i’d known it was so newsworthy, our family could be famous by now… if only i’d contacted the reporters!
It goes away for some people and doesn’t for others. It depends on the level of his chemical sensitivity.
everyone know’s your not supposed to use black henna
henna is supposed to come out brown. They use chemicals to make it black that result in these burns. Depending on what type of black henna he used, it could last from 2 weeks to forever.
there was a huge fiasco with black henna in ’06 i think it was. People were getting burned by the henna and they figured out that it was the chemicals they used to make it black.
i thought people would have learned from that.
everyone know’s your not supposed to use black henna
henna is supposed to come out brown. They use chemicals to make it black that result in these burns. Depending on what type of black henna he used, it could last from 2 weeks to forever.
there was a huge fiasco with black henna in ’06 i think it was. People were getting burned by the henna and they figured out that it was the chemicals they used to make it black.
i thought people would have learned from that.
This is nothing to joke about. The scar can last a lifetime, and even if it doesn’t, the severe allergic reactions that can also occur are very serious (such as being sensitized for life to commonly used products in sunscreens, lotions, shampoos, etc. to the point you cannot use them). It can also lead to cancer.
Lot of fun stuff for a 5-year-old to face, huh? Unfortunately, as a REAL henna artist I run into this same juvenile attitude in many of my clients: “Oh, man, that’d be so cool! I want a permanent scar tattoo! Do you have that stuff?”
How stupid ARE people, anyway? No, wait. Don’t answer that.
This is nothing to joke about. The scar can last a lifetime, and even if it doesn’t, the severe allergic reactions that can also occur are very serious (such as being sensitized for life to commonly used products in sunscreens, lotions, shampoos, etc. to the point you cannot use them). It can also lead to cancer.
Lot of fun stuff for a 5-year-old to face, huh? Unfortunately, as a REAL henna artist I run into this same juvenile attitude in many of my clients: “Oh, man, that’d be so cool! I want a permanent scar tattoo! Do you have that stuff?”
How stupid ARE people, anyway? No, wait. Don’t answer that.
[…] http://imgur.com/iOtmg.jpg http://kotaku.com/5137453/left-4-dead-++-now-for-kids http://weinterrupt.com/2009/06/five-year-old-boy-left-with-intricate-dragon-shaped-scar-after-henna-… http://i.friendfeed.com/3491e4ac449ecf5dde355de42ed9c50dcf6f26da […]
I think it would look good if het got some detail added to it. I mean, if it’s there forever, why not make it look proper?
And yes he’s 5 but at the age of 10, he’ll be the most respected kid in the country.
15, he’ll be even cooler than chuck norris
20, next terminator
30, governor of california.
He’ll be fine
I think it would look good if het got some detail added to it. I mean, if it’s there forever, why not make it look proper?
And yes he’s 5 but at the age of 10, he’ll be the most respected kid in the country.
15, he’ll be even cooler than chuck norris
20, next terminator
30, governor of california.
He’ll be fine
People who have children tatooed are morons and should not be allowed custody of the children.
It is not a real tattoo. It is temporary.
People who have children tatooed are morons and should not be allowed custody of the children.
It is not a real tattoo. It is temporary.
Umm…wtf. This is how henna works. You get it applied, wash it off after a while, and there’s the stain you wanted.
Then you wait a few weeks and it goes away.
How weird they waited for the henna to flake out after it dried, they shouldn’t have gotten it done if they don’t know how it works.
your meant to wait for it to crumble off, not wash it off. if you wash it off you’ll be lucky if the henna even lasts a day nevermind a week!! Don’t call people idiots when you’re not that smart yourself!
Umm…wtf. This is how henna works. You get it applied, wash it off after a while, and there’s the stain you wanted.
Then you wait a few weeks and it goes away.
How weird they waited for the henna to flake out after it dried, they shouldn’t have gotten it done if they don’t know how it works.
your meant to wait for it to crumble off, not wash it off. if you wash it off you’ll be lucky if the henna even lasts a day nevermind a week!! Don’t call people idiots when you’re not that smart yourself!
I have to concur (partially) with Md. Ali…
People who allow their children to be tattooed have no right to COMPLAIN about anything that happens! For Jeebus’ Sake, you’re in a foreign place, let’s get a Henna tattoo!!!
Frankly, the kid will be fine. The irritation must have been EXTREMELY minor for the child not to complain the whole time, and the rash was only noticed once it washed off?
I am so thankful that the family cannot profit from this like most Americants (forced typo) would try to.
Yea, they are gonna sue the small Indonesian stall that aplied it for 1500000r? Its a bad ass scar that will fade within months.
i think you spelled your own name incorrectly
I have to concur (partially) with Md. Ali…
People who allow their children to be tattooed have no right to COMPLAIN about anything that happens! For Jeebus’ Sake, you’re in a foreign place, let’s get a Henna tattoo!!!
Frankly, the kid will be fine. The irritation must have been EXTREMELY minor for the child not to complain the whole time, and the rash was only noticed once it washed off?
I am so thankful that the family cannot profit from this like most Americants (forced typo) would try to.
Yea, they are gonna sue the small Indonesian stall that aplied it for 1500000r? Its a bad ass scar that will fade within months.
i think you spelled your own name incorrectly
holy sweet fuck that kid is badass.
holy sweet fuck that kid is badass.
Tattoos are stupid and the people who scar themselves for life are from the shallow end of the gene pool!
Tattoos are stupid and the people who scar themselves for life are from the shallow end of the gene pool!
doesn’t quite look from the pics that mom is too mad. nor the kid. free tattoo!
doesn’t quite look from the pics that mom is too mad. nor the kid. free tattoo!
[…] trumps them all. If you don’t believe me, then ask yourself this question, “how many dragons can destroy an entire […]
dunno about MILF, but i see a FIWNLF
dunno about MILF, but i see a FIWNLF
Hope the kid is ok…. but Wow.. mummy is totaly MILF. Look at the full size picture of her..mmmmmmmmmm
Hope the kid is ok…. but Wow.. mummy is totaly MILF. Look at the full size picture of her..mmmmmmmmmm
Exact same thing happened to me though mine wasn’t because of a chemical burn… though it looks just like that. After about a month it started itching and scarred. The scar slowly dissapeared over the next year. I was 13 at the time.
The ingredient inside the Henna ink called Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) can NOT cause a chemical burn but is rather considered an allergic reaction. It is used in most commercial hair coloring products and in all henna tattoo, and normal tattoo inks. Being a boy I had never colored my hair but after the henna I had my hair coloured for my graduation dance and the same thing happened, only this time to my entire scalp(thankfully the symptoms only showed up after the dance). Not a smart move on my part but because the henna scar had dissapeared I hadn’t bothered to worry about it.
There is a patch available from your local physician to determine if the child is allergic to PPD and I’d recommend that the parents test this out before they allow the child to colour his hair.
“A recent survey in London found a doubling in frequency of dermatitis due to hair dyes over six years to 7.1 per cent in a clinic for adults.”
Exact same thing happened to me though mine wasn’t because of a chemical burn… though it looks just like that. After about a month it started itching and scarred. The scar slowly dissapeared over the next year. I was 13 at the time.
The ingredient inside the Henna ink called Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) can NOT cause a chemical burn but is rather considered an allergic reaction. It is used in most commercial hair coloring products and in all henna tattoo, and normal tattoo inks. Being a boy I had never colored my hair but after the henna I had my hair coloured for my graduation dance and the same thing happened, only this time to my entire scalp(thankfully the symptoms only showed up after the dance). Not a smart move on my part but because the henna scar had dissapeared I hadn’t bothered to worry about it.
There is a patch available from your local physician to determine if the child is allergic to PPD and I’d recommend that the parents test this out before they allow the child to colour his hair.
“A recent survey in London found a doubling in frequency of dermatitis due to hair dyes over six years to 7.1 per cent in a clinic for adults.”
I don’t know what they’re worried about…it looks kinda cool!
I don’t know what they’re worried about…it looks kinda cool!
i got the same thing done on me but it was a rose and it has now weared away and i am left with a big rash on my back only were the tatoo was wat is it and y have i got it.
how long did the henna on your skin last?
i got the same thing done on me but it was a rose and it has now weared away and i am left with a big rash on my back only were the tatoo was wat is it and y have i got it.
how long did the henna on your skin last?
[…] Commented Five-year-old Boy Left With Intricate Dragon-shaped Scar After Henna Tattoo Goes WrongSex Offender Busted By BurglarsVortex Cannon Versus Houses Of Straw, Sticks and BricksFlorida Pastor […]
the exact samething had happened to me in seaside, nj, usa. i was burned and scared chemically. happened over a year ago and still have the scar. it was painful and very itchy. the henna shop was cutting their dye with shoepolish!!!!!!! i almost died from the allergic reaction
the exact samething had happened to me in seaside, nj, usa. i was burned and scared chemically. happened over a year ago and still have the scar. it was painful and very itchy. the henna shop was cutting their dye with shoepolish!!!!!!! i almost died from the allergic reaction
the same thing happened to me as a teenager when I lived in Egypt and got a black henna tattoo on my arm, once it faded it left a bright red scar for a few weeks, which then faded out to white for a couple of months then dissappeared forever, I haven’t been scarred permanently by it.
HOWEVER, when I went to college I decided to have my hair dyed for the first time, professional salon, qualified hairdressers etc, you’d think nothing could go wrong. Well within a few minutes of them applying the dye my head started to feel like it was burning, I mentioned this to the hairdressers but they said it was fine.
Next day my head swelled up, my breathing was terrible, my eyes were almost shut with swelling and my head was bleeding, I was terrified I would loose my (very long) hair, fortunatley I didn’t but I have been left with extremelly sensitive skin and especially scalp. I have since found out that I suffer the same reaction to hair spray so have to avoid it at all costs.
This is obviously the after effects of the PPD in the stupid black henna tatto I had as a kid *grr*
the same thing happened to me as a teenager when I lived in Egypt and got a black henna tattoo on my arm, once it faded it left a bright red scar for a few weeks, which then faded out to white for a couple of months then dissappeared forever, I haven’t been scarred permanently by it.
HOWEVER, when I went to college I decided to have my hair dyed for the first time, professional salon, qualified hairdressers etc, you’d think nothing could go wrong. Well within a few minutes of them applying the dye my head started to feel like it was burning, I mentioned this to the hairdressers but they said it was fine.
Next day my head swelled up, my breathing was terrible, my eyes were almost shut with swelling and my head was bleeding, I was terrified I would loose my (very long) hair, fortunatley I didn’t but I have been left with extremelly sensitive skin and especially scalp. I have since found out that I suffer the same reaction to hair spray so have to avoid it at all costs.
This is obviously the after effects of the PPD in the stupid black henna tatto I had as a kid *grr*
This kid needs to learn kung foo. Immediately.
This kid needs to learn kung foo. Immediately.
I had something like this too, but it went away after about 1.5 years so I don’t think it’s that bad…
I had something like this too, but it went away after about 1.5 years so I don’t think it’s that bad…
Whoever said “bogan” is just jealous they don’t have sick parents who take them to Bali to get fully rad tatts just like dad. I’m surprised though he didn’t opt for the Southern Cross.
Whoever said “bogan” is just jealous they don’t have sick parents who take them to Bali to get fully rad tatts just like dad. I’m surprised though he didn’t opt for the Southern Cross.
who would get a henna tattoo from a place that spells “needles” like “nedlles”?
who would get a henna tattoo from a place that spells “needles” like “nedlles”?
That is Too bad for the Boy
That is Too bad for the Boy
I feel sorry
I feel sorry
yo dahab its more like badass.
yo dahab its more like badass.
[…] 1. The boy with the dragon tattoo […]
Some parents are so gullible and fall for every fad out there. Read on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-Phenylenediamine about some of the effects of this chemical can cause. Clearly that guy that says “badass” need not have kids! His kids would suffer a life of pain and defeat. I feel for the kid!
Some parents are so gullible and fall for every fad out there. Read on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-Phenylenediamine about some of the effects of this chemical can cause. Clearly that guy that says “badass” need not have kids! His kids would suffer a life of pain and defeat. I feel for the kid!
Are you kidding? That kid is going to have a story to tell for the rest of his life and something to show off. Not the most unfortunate accident I’ve read about.
Are you kidding? That kid is going to have a story to tell for the rest of his life and something to show off. Not the most unfortunate accident I’ve read about.
“His parents fear that he may be scarred for life.”
Of course he will… because they named him ‘Cannon.’
and his surname is Cribb. Cannon Cribb destroyer of babies and bad-ass kid.
“His parents fear that he may be scarred for life.”
Of course he will… because they named him ‘Cannon.’
Unfortunate as it is, at least he’s not going to grow up with a pikachu on his arm.
Unfortunate as it is, at least he’s not going to grow up with a pikachu on his arm.
I think the parent should have thought twice about getting their son a henna tattoo… especially since the people couldn’t spell.. “no paincos no nedlles 100% fan”
that really should of told them to stay away…
I know it was in Bali, Indonesia… but still, maybe they could have found a better place for that…
and having a dragon tattoo on your arm isn’t such a bad thing… if you look at it the right way. Be the cup half full kind of person and you’ve got yourself an amazing story to tell.
I think the parent should have thought twice about getting their son a henna tattoo… especially since the people couldn’t spell.. “no paincos no nedlles 100% fan”
that really should of told them to stay away…
I know it was in Bali, Indonesia… but still, maybe they could have found a better place for that…
and having a dragon tattoo on your arm isn’t such a bad thing… if you look at it the right way. Be the cup half full kind of person and you’ve got yourself an amazing story to tell.
seriously? it would make for a great story for him to tell HIS kids. hopefully he and his parents learned to look a little deeper and not do things so ladeeda about stuff.
I would take his dragon shaped scare, just cause then I would have something to distinguish me from the masses that doesn’t include swearing. its a sweet thing he has, and if he doesn’t like it when he is older, surgery is great. instead of a dragon shaped scar he can have a shapeless blob scar. yay. I’ll take the dragon anyday.
seriously? it would make for a great story for him to tell HIS kids. hopefully he and his parents learned to look a little deeper and not do things so ladeeda about stuff.
I would take his dragon shaped scare, just cause then I would have something to distinguish me from the masses that doesn’t include swearing. its a sweet thing he has, and if he doesn’t like it when he is older, surgery is great. instead of a dragon shaped scar he can have a shapeless blob scar. yay. I’ll take the dragon anyday.
dude, that kid is now a badass!!!
dude, that kid is now a badass!!!
Do people forget that henna can cause SEVERE allergic reactions in people? Why would you even test this on a kid first? That’s just stupid of the parents.
Well who else would you test it on? If it’s the boy who wants the tattoo then it’s no bloody good testing it on anyone else first!
Do people forget that henna can cause SEVERE allergic reactions in people? Why would you even test this on a kid first? That’s just stupid of the parents.
What the hell is a kid doing with a tattoo like that anyway? OK so it’s just temp, but so what, are his parents getting him ready for when he turns 16 and can join a gang? Kid should sue his stupid parents for watching too much TV and being trash.
It’s sad that you must jump to conclusions based on image. There are several “good egg” stereotypes that I could counter with. For instance how many clergy have molested children? I have nearly 30+ hours of tattoo work, yes I said hours, because they cover my entire arm, half of my other arm, most of my chest, leg and shoulder. My profession, no a gang banger, I’m a medic with an ambulance. Every day I wear a professional uniform and do my best to save lives. There are countless EMT’s, Police Officers, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses and Soldiers that are heavily tattooed. I hope that some day you can be open minded.
Right, so would you consider people like me to be trash because I got a dragon tattoo for my 18th birthday, even though I’m finishing up my senior year of college with a 3.8 GPA and hold a steady job?
Sorry to say Pat, but it’s people like you who stereotype and start rumors about people with tattoos! I myself have 6 individual tattoos and plan on getting more. I’m not in a gang or anything. I also have a lot of relatives and friends with tattoos. Most of which served the United States in the military. None of us have ever been in a gang. In fact if you have done any research on tattoos you’d know that they’ve been done for thousands and thousands of years and in some Indian tribes tattoos are the symbol of coming of age to be a man or woman. And maybe that child is really into dragons which is why he chose to get a dragon design for his henna tattoo. My daughter is 4 years old and I got her a henna tattoo of a wolf which took up half her back (she was wearing a bikini) because like me she really loves wolves.If it had given her a scar like the little boys dragon henna did I’d probably take care of it the same way they are, but also have to think of it in another way as well. If the child grows up and decides he wants a real dragon tattoo and he still has the scar at least he’ll already have the template on his arm for it.
Just because someone has tattoos don’t make them a bad person or make them in a gang or even trash. You are just being very simple minded and need to be more open minded.
tattoos are not bad. kids everywhere put temp tats on all the time, infact, they give them out at the DOCTORS OFFICE!! tattoos are permanent reminders of your life, your choices, your love, your hope, your feelings. this kid does look bad ass, this is not the worst thing that could have happened to him. why does everybody turn to suing people the second a problem comes up? for your information pat lynch, some gangs start recruiting kids in the early grade school years, sometimes even earlier. learn your fucking facts before you start bitchin!
What the hell is a kid doing with a tattoo like that anyway? OK so it’s just temp, but so what, are his parents getting him ready for when he turns 16 and can join a gang? Kid should sue his stupid parents for watching too much TV and being trash.
Oh stop whining ppl. 99% of the time henna is harmless. As for why the kid had it done…why the hell not? Looking at the pictures he looks really happy with it. Personally I take offense to small minded people like Pat Lynch here who think anyone with tattoos is “trash” So you’re saying that if you have a tattoo or tatoos that you must be in a gang or a trailer? Go thump a bible somewhere else you sad little yuppie drone.
Real henna is harmless 100% of the time: notice the kid’s tat is black ? Henna doesn’t come in black: in fact, it only comes in the one color.
Dude, go blame the whining on something other than the Bible. I have a tat and am proud of it because it shows my faith…a cross. Someone who thinks people with tats “are trash” sure as heck isn’t Christian. “Judge not…”
Oh stop whining ppl. 99% of the time henna is harmless. As for why the kid had it done…why the hell not? Looking at the pictures he looks really happy with it. Personally I take offense to small minded people like Pat Lynch here who think anyone with tattoos is “trash” So you’re saying that if you have a tattoo or tatoos that you must be in a gang or a trailer? Go thump a bible somewhere else you sad little yuppie drone.
I totally agree with justin..thats stereo typing..i have 3 tattoo’s..but guess wat? i was never in a gang and never will be..give it up
Stereo typing? Is that when you use two hands instead of one?
I totally agree with justin..thats stereo typing..i have 3 tattoo’s..but guess wat? i was never in a gang and never will be..give it up
that’s f@#king awesome. his parents are huge squares.
Look at the bright side, if it does become permanent, This kid will look totally bad-ass enough that he probably won’t ever be bullied.. Not the case if he opted for a Barney the Purple Dinosuar, SpongeBob or a Backyardigan Tattoo!!!
Are you kidding me? When that kid gets older, that scar will be responsible for 70% of any tail he manages to get. Imagine the pick up line- “Yeah, see this scar right here, mmm, hmm, I got that when I was five, when I was in Bali, and some crazy chick bleached a dragon on my arm. My place or yours?”
i feel bad that the kid might have suffered some discomfort since theyre using the term “chemical burns” but how pumped does that kid have to be to loophole his way into a sweet dragon tattoo. hell be the only kid in the county with one…
happened to me, scar wears off. Why the f*ck is this news? many people who get these kind of tats get scars afterwards, but they’re superficial, it goes away.
oh no, I got a permanent, natural looking dragon symbol on my arm, whatever shall I do?
I think the same thing happened to me when I was younger….the scar or whatever faded within 2 years.
Best Scar Ever!
With one look at the picture of when the henna had just been done, I know what the problem was. They used black henna. Black henna is banned in the US because of what they use in it.
When did it get banned? I got a black henna “tattoo” done while on vacation when I was 16 (2006) and I thought I’d seen several places offering the same types of tattoos since then.
At least it wasn’t on his face
The parents come from Queensland – enough said
Actually that’s not enough said. Can you please say some more? I’m not from Australia. Mate.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elizabeth DeLoria, phobes. phobes said: http://www.weinterrupt.com/2009/06/five-year-old-boy-left-with-intricate-dragon-shaped-scar-after-henna-tattoo-goes-wrong/ fucking badass […]
I had a scar like that from a henna tattoo and it disappeared after a few years.
I doubt he will have that scar forever, my scar lasted about 4 years.
I had this happen to me from henna and being out in the sun. It went away after a season.
Seriously? That kid is gonna be the coolest kid in grade school! Do you know how many parents are gonna come home to find their grade schoolers sporting Dragon tattoos?
It’s pretty cool, but if I were him I’d be pissed later in life. Imagine getting a tattoo you thought was cool when you were elementary school… now imagine having that same tattoo when you’re 30. I’d personally be a little pissed, not at anyone in particular… just at life in general. I’d also be hoping that it didn’t change for the worse as I go through puberty, growth spurts, and muscle development. That would pretty much suck.
For now he’s a beast… when he’s 30… maybe not as thrilled.
I suspect the kid thinks this is really cool and hopes it lasts forever. That’s unlikely because he has a lot to grow yet and the ability of a young person’s body to repair things is amazing.
Henna is not able to scar anyone at all. The chemical PPD is what scared the poor boys skin. You should never let anyone put henna on you if they can not tell you exactly what is in their henna, if it is black or any other color than a brown to greenish color,or if the artist says you will get a stain in a short amount of time. Henna takes about six hours to get a stain. It really upsets me that people out there are adding chemicals to a natural and beautiful way to decorate the skin, scarring people and in some cases causing bladder cancer, and ruining the idea of henna for people who don’t understand it.
Parents should be taken out and drag across a cactus ridden desert !!
I’ve got a scar like this. The same thing happened to me in Cyprus! Mine’s a dolphin on my lower back. Turns out I’m highly allergic to hair dye too. Oh well!
Judgment, judgment, judgment….Everyone everywhere believes they are more enlightened then the next person. You want to judge a man/women for having a tattoo then we judge you for not tasting all that life has to offer. We are all just trying to find our way through the same crazy world and trying to find happieness along the way. You want to believe that having a tattoo means you will end up in a gang or a trailer…then believe that. It makes people angry when you judge them like that but what the heck. The trueth is the moment we put ink under our skin weopen ourselves up to the judgement of people like you. But I do that with the car I drive and the clothes I wear and even the music I listen to. Ignorance is bliss and you are a happy dude aren’t you. It really doesn’t bother me at all. I love my art. I love getting tattoos, love having them, and am extreamly attracted to women that have them. I will probably never be a preacher at the local church but other than that there are very few careers now that are not filled by people in my generation. Far more open minded people that can except that a persons worth goes far deeper than the images on there skin. It is almost a racial argument, wouldn’t you agree. Believeing another person will be a lesser person than you because of the colors in there skin. Food for thought I guess.
One more tid bit of information. I am 34 years old. I have been getting tattoos for the past 17 years and do not regret any of them. I have had the same carreer for the past 13 years and have been making six figures for the last five of those years. Never been in a gang and I do not live in a trailer.
This is kid such a legit BAMF. Not only his is name Cannon Cribb, and he’s a cutie, but he has this intense dragon scar on his arm? Wait till he hit High School, provided puberty is good to him, he’ll be the most legendary kid at that school.
Boy With The Dragon Tattoo… sounds fitting for the next movie series right?
Boy With The Dragon Tattoo… sounds fitting for the next movie series right?