Amorous kangaroo stalks Northern Territory women

A Northern Territory woman was stalked near the Honeymoon Ranges by a well-endowed two-meter kangaroo with love on his mind.

Natasha Civitarese, a 23-year-old school teacher, told the NT News that she came face to face with the animal while in the middle of a 5km walk on the outskirts of Tennant Creek.

She described the experience:

I looked around and saw this big kangaroo on its back legs. I just started running and screaming. It would hop right back up to about a meter from me, stop, and prop itself up on its back legs and look around. I just kept running and it just kept watching. I thought ‘It’s going to get me’, and was going to box me.

It seems it was not the first time that the large male macropod turned his attention to human females; similar reports have been heard from the same location over the past few months.

A local resident described her encounter with the randy beast in May, which ended when other walkers approached:

I turned around and saw this big kangaroo behind me, so I hastened my steps. It seemed a bit odd, but I continued walking and didn’t think much about it. Then on the return walk he was there waiting for me. With his male pride on full alert, he started circling me. There was no doubt about what he wanted, the randy old thing. It was a huge kangaroo and quite intimidating. I yelled at him to go away, waved my hands about and let him know I wasn’t interested, but he was persistent – I’ll give him that.

The same animal is believed to be behind a similar incident at a nearby Speedway racetrack. Mother-of-three described her encounter behind the track’s pits:

I thought it was strange that a kangaroo would come to such a noisy place, but I grew up around kangaroos so I went up to say hello. There I was having a nice chat to him when I heard others calling out to me, warning me to step away. I didn’t take any notice of them because I didn’t think I had anything to worry about. I thought he was just a cute, friendly kangaroo.

Unbeknown to Tanya, the friendly kangaroo had more than a chat in mind. She realized when witnesses warned her to get back:

Yeah, apparently he was quite aroused. I’m actually glad I didn’t notice.

On that occasion a male speedway fan reportedly confronted the animal – and got a punch in the face for his troubles. [NT News]


C.S. Magor is the editor-in-chief and a reporter at large for We Interrupt and Uberreview. He currently resides in the Japanese countryside approximately two hours from Tokyo - where he has spent the better part of a decade testing his hypothesis that Japan is neither as quirky nor as interesting as others would have you believe.
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