December 6, 2010
If there is a cool news story that you think we are going to miss, why not submit it yourself?
If you look up at the top of the page, you can see a link that says “submit news“. Clicking it will take you through to a screen where you can write up your own story and submit it to We Interrupt for consideration. If we like what you have written our editor will prepare it for publishing and you should see it on our site, within 24 hours.
Improve your chances of getting published
Here are a few tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting published.
- Make sure it is weird, strange or really interesting.
- Pick something that fits in one of our preferred categories. We publish a lot in the News, Science and Tech, and Random Absurdity categories. We publish much less in the Stuff, Style, and The Biz, that being said if you find something from one of those categories that follows rule number 1, don’t be afraid to try.
- Make it original. Quoting another site is fine, you can even use a big quote, but make sure the source is noted and make sure that there is an original component to it. We Interrupt only posts original material – if you want to repost something that was written on your own site, you can – as long as you find a new angle and write it in a new way.
- Post source links – this helps us with our fact checking.
- Don’t spam! We encourage people to post a link back to their own site but if your own site has material that is objectionable to our audience or not safe for work, we will strip the link or refuse publication.
So there have it, we don’t have too many rules; just keep it original and keep it clean and we will do the rest.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by WTF101 and Indrid Cold, Alltop Odd. Alltop Odd said: Submit your own news on We Interrupt [How To] […]