They’ve brought us pizza (they still do!), they’ve invented the road, and marble, they’ve perfected pasta and made real football unwatchable, now for their next trick; Cold fusion. It’s the holy grail of energy making processes, basically it’s a controversial (but patented) process by which very little mass is used to start a cold nuclear reaction that releases a disproportionately large amount of energy. This could lead way to portable sources of said energy, easily converted to whatever form needed, heat or electricity and thereby also allow for lighter, infinitely more efficient modes of transportation, either via air, land or sea. This is not to mention what Apple would eventually make it do, when iPod users purchase the appropriate app for it.

Above, the second part of the Jan-14th press conference in its original Italian.
With my (very limited) background in physics, I deem this video, to be the most panty-wetting thing I’ve seen since the Ferrari 458 Italia’s pictures were released last year. In the experiment, they’re heating tap water to 101 degrees Celsius, or turning it to dry steam, by using their ‘reactor’ and only about .02% of the energy normally needed for this.
Also they’re making physicists worldwide, feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
If this turns out not to be a hoax, and that the world’s oil lobby allow this to become a daily science item, it will indeed revolutionise the way we lead our life, from portable power cells to entirely independent vehicles. Even personal electric vehicles would become not only possible, but also practical.
Another useful application of this science would obviously be the independent “home” power generator where a house would have its own generator that would provide enough energy for everything from heat and air-conditioning, to devices like washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, digital frames, televisions, computers, etc.
It’s not clear at this time what by-product other than copper, this process generates but I’m confident that if there is, the Econazis, will find out, and ask us to unplug the reactor, when it’s not in use.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Denny Griffin. Denny Griffin said: And for their next trick, Italy brings us cold fusion! […]
When will this be widespread on the market? The sooner the better!
They say in three months:
The demonstration device is capable of producing 12,400 W of heat power with an input of just 400W. A private invitation only press conference was held and the device was demonstrated to the 50 or so witnesses including scientists from the University of Bologna.
In addition, the scientists say they are already beyond the prototype stage and plan to start shipping units within 3 months with mass production by the end of 2011.
The inventors “claim” their solution was been providing heat to a factory for 2 years, but no visits to the factory were provided.
Their product should be available in small scale production in just 3 months, with mass availability by the end of the year. By mid year, it will be clear is this is a hoax or serious stuff.
One of the scientists had some spats with Italian law, nothing very serious, but just one more item to add to the suspense.
[…] all the alternative power sources currently available, and those being discovered on an almost daily basis, isn’t it about time, on the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear incident, that someone […]
All that comes to mind while reading this was a quote attributed to a famous side-show entrepreneur: “There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute”