Norwegian news site Nettavisen reported (in July 2007) that a 12 year old boy named Hans Jørgen Olsen saved himself and his sister by using skills he picked up while playing World of Warcraft. After wandering off in the forest onto the moose’s path, the boy remembered that he could “taunt” the animal away from his sister, and then after she got to safety, he “feigned death” and the animal, bored with his inanimation got disinterested and simply up and left.
He then quickly recovered his sister and returned home, we imagine to brag.
This of course inspires the We Interrupt to give you a tip of the week: Lads, if you’re out playing with your sister in the woods and you happen to stumble onto a moose, it means you’re not indoors playing World of Warcraft where you should have remained in the first place, or, as they say in Norway: “Barn, hvis du er ute å spille med søsteren din i skogen, og du tilfeldigvis snuble på enelg, betyr det at du ikke innendørs spiller World of Warcraft, der du burde ha holdt seg iførste omgang.”
Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti
okay. Seriously? Google translate? You couldn’t actually get your hands on a person who speaks Norwegian?