Teenage lesbians vs. a lion

lion cat
lion cat


Harley Rose Gifford and Britney Singleton were on a crime spree in Pennsylvania, having robbed and ransacked 29 houses.  The duo were incredibly successful, having gotten away with $22,000 in cash, a 55-inch screen TV, and many other high-value items.  And neither were stealing to support a drug habit – robbing the hood was merely a hobby for the pair.

And then things got weird.

According to both suspects, they broke into a house in Upper Darby only to find a lion, prompting the couple to call police and confess to their crimes.  The police are currently in the process of investigating the home (but how long can it take to find a lion?) but as of now there is no confirmation as to whether or not the beast has been found.  The claim has prompted a posting-spree of Caturday pics on the Gawker source article – check it out here. [Source]

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