A British man, from Hertfordshire, has dialed 999, the UK equivalent of the better known 911, to report what he thought was a strange, eerie light in the sky. This is believed not to be a prank, the man was all serious and sounded alarmed on the phone (audio from the conversation is at the bottom of the post) as he said the object was “All lights blazing…”
However, after reading about these strange calls, it became apparent that reporting the moon as a UFO, is not the strangest call that 999 has received. Here are a few handpicked examples of wackjobs calling 999.
A man called 999 to report that his wife went out without leaving him any food, not even a sandwich.
A lady called to report that her cat, had been playing with string.
You’d think Americans are better, and You’d be wrong, like this lady that called 911 over Chicken McNuggets, several times and wound up getting arrested for misuse of the 911 line.

[…] mysterious light hovering over his house and he couldn’t figure out what it was. Turns out it was the moon. Man, would I have loved to be the officers who came to the guy’s house to tell him. […]