Unsurprising news of the day: Fox News viewers know less than non-viewers

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'Fox Opinion And Fantasy' wouldn't fit into the blue box.
fox news

'Fox Opinion And Fantasy' wouldn't fit into the blue box.

Though it’s been widely shown that Fox News actively misinforms its viewers, and in one study, FOX News viewers are more likely to believe false news reports, the latest study from Fairleigh Dickinson University shows that the ‘fair and balanced’ network’s viewers actually know less about world affairs than non-viewers.

A poll surveyed New Jersey residents on political uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and asked respondents from where they get their news.  Overall, 53% knew that Egyptians successfully overthrew their President and 48% knew that Syrians have yet to overthrow their government.  But Fox News viewers were a full eighteen percent less likely to know about Egypt and six percent less likely to know about Syria than those who got their news elsewhere. [Source]

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