New Jersey man doesn’t care for neighbor farting in front of his house, decides to pull gun on him

Daniel Collins Jr. of Teaneck, New Jersey has had an ongoing dispute with his 47-year-old neighbor over issues with noise pollution.  The straw that broke the camel’s back came during a recent run-in when Collins swore he heard his neighbor passing gas outside his apartment.  This led to a confrontation with said neighbor in the vestibule of their apartment building, which came to a head when the septuagenarian pulled a gun on the alleged farter, pointed it at him, and threatened him with the line, “I’m going to put a hole in your head.”

That must have been some kind of fart to get such a reaction from Collins.


Daniel Collins Jr. is accused of pointing a silver revolver at his 47-year-old neighbor in the vestibule of their Cedar Lane apartment building and saying, “I’m going to put a hole in your head.” The confrontation occurred after Collins said his neighbor farted as he walked in front of Collins’ apartment, said Detective Lt. Andrew McGurr.

Collins has been charged with aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a firearm, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and terroristic threats.

Pulling a gun on someone for farting may be a tad extreme, but it’s also further proof that no one enjoys another person’s flatulence in any situation.  Trust me, there are times when I’ve wanted to pull a gun on myself the day after a gargantuan feast of Taco Bell and cheap draft beer.


Jeff Greenwell is the writer/editor of Last Angry Fan. Jeff has been known to rock a Speedo while belting out Robert Goulet tunes from his front porch, and in his spare time he enjoys capturing and training feral goats to be his minions. Also known to dig a nice brick of cheese from time to time.
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  • Man Pulls Gun On Gassy Neighbor | News Media Source, Entertainment News, Media Source, Celeb News, News Media
    27 June 2012 at 9:31 am
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    […] New Jersey man doesn’t care for neighbor farting in front of his house, decides to pull gun on…( […]

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