Man’s Dog Eats $500, Man Asks US Treasure To Replace It

“Excuse me, Mr. Treasury Guy, my dog ate my money and I’d like you to replace it.”

That is the gist of what Wayne Klinkel, from Montana, is asking of the US Treasury department. And he’s hoping for more luck than a teacher would give a student who said their dog ate their homework.

It happened around Christmas time. Klinkel’s golden retriever ate five crisp one hundred dollar bills.

Seems Klinkel is used to Sundance eating anything and everything and he knew she couldn’t digest the paper so he waited.  In her poop he was able to fish out the remnants of two of the bills. Then when the snow started melting his daughter found the other three.

Soaking them in soap and water for a week before putting them back together, Klinkel headed to the bank in attempts to get his money back. I mean, that’s half a grand, not pocket change.

Bank tellers laughed at him and suggested he send the digested bills to the US Treasure and tell them his story. They may replace the money in check form, which Klinkel will have to guard staunchly from his furry friend.

It could take up to two years to hear back from the government branch.  [Source]  [ Picture ]

Random Absurdity

A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
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