Fake Gladiators: This is madness! Police: No, this is illegal.

gladiator fail
One of these things is not like the others.
gladiator fail

One of these things is not like the others.

If you’ve been to Rome at some point in the last two decades, odds are you’ve run into one of many Gladiators roaming around the Coliseum in pursuit of money for being photographed with hapless tourists.  As it turns out, this minor industry is fairly unregulated – except by the Gladiators themselves.

After many reports of Gladiators beating their competitors off the street, police initiated a sting operation.  Dressed as tourists, garbage collectors and a few Gladiators, the undercover police were swiftly attacked by their competition, resulting in a brawl and the arrest of several fake Gladiators.  Another fake Gladiator was arrested after trying to extort extra money from a tourist for a photograph; unfortunately, said tourist was also a police officer.  [Source; Image]

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