• Balloon Boy’s dad wants you to scratch his back

    Remember Richard Heene, the guy who fooled the world into thinking that his son was floating away on a homemade science project? Now he’s conjuring up Billy Mays in a commercial because he has a product that he wants you to buy – it is called the BearScratch and...
  • An articulate protest against inarticulate protest signs

    The protest sign that you see above was produced by one Jeremy S for display at the Stewart/Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity. Perhaps the lunatics at the Westboro Baptist Church should take note? ...
  • Man makes, plays goat bagpipes

    When it comes to strange do-it-yourself musical instruments, these goat bagpipes definitely take the cake. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you could watch the whole thing – otherwise you can get the picture from the first couple of minutes. ...
  • Toothpick star trick: a cool way to stave off office or restaurant boredom

    This party trick can be accomplished with a bunch of carefully placed toothpicks and a pencil or a straw. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, watch the video and see how it’s done – and if you can think of a better way to get through a long...
  • Biker walks away unhurt after colliding with truck

    By rights this man should probably be dead. The video shows our anonymous motorcycle rider’s ride coming to an abrupt end when he t-bones a truck at an intersection. Although the footage is grainy, it is clear enough to see a young man, sans helmet, cartwheeling through the air…...
  • “To do” list demonstrates the up and down sides of unemployment

    Unemployment has a few advantages: you don’t have to go to work, you can surf the Internet all day – both very big pluses. On the flip-side, your significant other will expect you to be looking for work, which can be feigned by leaving the job section open on...
  • Wedding photographer makes hilarious misstep [video]

    While we probably shouldn’t laugh, seeing as the guy was just doing his job and there was several thousand dollars worth of photography gear involved, I think that I will anyway. I’d say that the only thing that got physically hurt was his ego, but I’m guessing that his...
  • Responding to this ad would seem to be a really, really bad idea

    The person who spent good money taking out this ad may very well be as frightening as a man who grabs random butts in public places is disgusting. Responding to the ad would probably be a bad thing for everyone involved. ...
  • Girlfriend or Jail? Jail of course.

    Armed with a butcher’s knife, Tasmanian, Craig Douglas Allen demanded that a 22 -year -old male attendant hand over money at a local service station. His reward was $450 in notes. He was however caught walking along the road. Allen pleaded guilty to one count of armed robbery committed at a Bridgewater...