• Is That A Freaky-looking Debris Cloud NASA is Depicting Or Is Today a Good Day To Die?

    This object, which was first picked up by MIT’s LINEAR, was so incredible that it demanded a second look. NASA repositioned the Hubble and captured a beautiful shot of a debris cloud orbiting between Mars and Jupiter that bears more than a passing resemblance to a Klingon Bird of...
  • Electrosensitive Activists “Sickened” By Inactive Radio Tower

    South African “electrosensitive” activists who claimed to have experienced terrible symptoms caused by their local packet-data radio tower seem to have ended up with a little egg on their faces. The tower that allegedly triggered their symptoms was actually switched off during the time that they experienced them, suggesting...
  • Cocaine Found In Space Shuttle Hangar

    NASA has confirmed that a small baggie of white powder that was found in the hangar of space shuttle Discovery is in fact cocaine. A shuttle maintenance worker is reported to ahve found the baggie outside the men’s room of the shuttle hangar and reported it to security. The...
  • HP Computers Seem Much Better At Recognizing White Faces

    An African American HP user made an unusual discovery, the face tracking technology that came with his new notebook didn’t recognize his face. It might have been put down to a malfunction, but for the fact that it worked very well for Desi’s white co-worker Wanda. Desi explains in...
  • Man Mounts Rocket Launcher On Motorcycle

    As you can see from the video, this gentleman has set about mounting a remotely controlled rocket launcher to his motorcycle....
  • Octopus Uses Coconut Shell as Exoskeleton

    Video footage has emerged of octopi exhibiting some rather fascinating learned behavior; they were carrying coconut shells to use for their own protection. Researchers observed veined octopuses (Amphioctopus marginatus) in Indonesia carrying coconut shells that were slightly larger than their 8-centimeter-wide bodies. When they needed to stop in exposed...
  • Giant Leopard Seal Teaches Photographer How To Hunt

    National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen describes how he was taught to hunt, and later fed by a large leopard seal in Antarctica over a four-day shoot....
  • Diver Films Underwater “River” At Bottom Of Cave

    Professional diver Anatoly Beloshchin recorded this incredible video on a cave dive at Cenote Angelita, Mexico. Beloshchin could be forgiven for being a little squeamish around the “river”, as it is actually a layer of highly toxic hydrogen sulfide – a chemical that gained notoriety due to its use...
  • Bomb-proof Wallpaper Stronger Than Walls

    ShareThe X-Flex wallpaper system, which may see service in Iraq and Afghanistan, offers a new way to protect existing construction from explosions. From PopSci: X-Flex bonds so tightly, it helps walls keep their shape after blast waves. Two layers are strong enough to stop a blunt object, like a...