
  • cowtipping

    Old and faded: Shark attacks; New and deadly: Cow attacks

    While the media paints a terrifying picture of sharks as man-eating predators, most Americans don’t know that you’re twenty-seven times more likely to be slain by a murderous bovine. It’s true: Between 2003 and 2008, four shark fatalities have been reported in the United States, compared to a whopping...
  • Matador catches horn to the scrotum

    The fourth day of the Sanfermin bullfights proved eventful for Madrid bullfighter “El Cid” when Garboso’s horns found matador, twice. The first goring produced a 10-centimeter wound to the man’s thigh; the second also caught thigh – and scrotum. Considering that “El Cid” was able to walk from the...