
  • Teenager learns about laser safety warnings the hard way

    A 15-year-old Swiss boy burned two holes in his retina trying to create a laser show with his newly purchased green laser pointer. The boy had originally purchased the laser pointer for the usual reasons: …to use as a toy for popping balloons from a distance and burning holes...
  • How not to fire a watermelon out of a slingshot

    The video that you see below came from The Amazing Race. Our subject finds herself firing watermelons from some old-school looking slingshots at a renaissance faire. After initially demonstrating some slingshotting prowess, things come dramatically awry – with painful but hilarious results. She walked away from it all with...
  • Booze makes Frankenstein a monster

    A 39-year-old Toby Keith fan with no business in his mullet was left looking a little the worse for wear after a run in with Ohio police on August 27th. Ohio police said that when they arrested Forrest Frankenstein for “going crazy” at a Toby Keith concert, he threatened...
  • Gun-toting hiker blasted through buttock in Blewett Pass

    A 52-year-old man was preparing for a hike in Blewett Pass when he decided to move his 40-caliber Smith & Wesson from its safe, but uncomfortable holster to his unsafe but comfortable back pocket – it was a big mistake. Darrel Elam’s pistol accidentally discharged. The bullet shot down...
  • Italian hospital ordered to pay for chopping off wrong testicle

    Something went wrong when a man went into a hospital in northern Italy for a routine unilateral orchiectomy (removal of one testicle) six years ago. A surgeon accidentally removed the 27-year-old  patient’s healthy right testicle, realized his mistake and then took out the left one as well – it...
  • Motorcyclist scores free BBQ, $800 fine

    When Michael Wiles spotted an old barbecue grill thrown out with the trash on the side of the road he should have just ridden by – after all, he was riding a motorcycle and they are not really built with transporting BBQs in mind. What he did was get...
  • Quite a party: man realizes he was shot… five years later

    In the “Who got the most drunk?” contest, the guy who forgot being shot always wins. The hero of today’s story is an unnamed Polish resident of Herne in western Germany. When the 35-year-old man sought medical treatment for what he thought was a cyst, they discovered just how...
  • Facebook gravity explanation is both frightening AND funny

    A group of Facebookers show that a poor grasp of the English language and frightening lack of scientific knowledge can make for hilarious results. Unless you consider the possibility that the multitudinous offspring of those involved will probably be lowering the intelligence quotient of the planet by a point...
  • Figure skater starts million-dollar fire with own stupidity

    Have you heard of Kurt Browning? As the picture above suggests, he is a figure skater, a former Canadian and World champion of the sport, to be exact – and if recent events are anything to go by, he may not a smart man. His recent problems started with...