The conversation that transpired in the picture above is very real – there is a real Matthew and there is a real Jack – and Jack, as you can see, has a way with words. Asking a guy why his wife isn’t talking to him is no way for...
A Colorado Springs man will be spending this Christmas in hospital with second-degree burns after he decided to clean his fireplace… while it was on fire… with an aerosol can. No explanation has been offered why the man tried to clean his natural-gas fireplace with an aerosol cleaner while...
A Florida man caused a significant amount of damage to his home when he decided to smoke a colony of bees out of his house. Mario Go of Lake Worth is said to have run into trouble when the support column, which housed the bees, caught fire. The column...
When two police officers happened upon 40-year-old trial lawyer Mark Moody smoking on his window ledge, they became concerned that he might be trying to harm himself. Understand, they were not concerned that the plethora of carcinogens contained within the cigarette that he was smoking were injuring his lungs...
Twenty-seven-year-old Johnathan William Hartman found himself fronting Yellowstone County Justice Court by video for allegedly sticking a piston in his girlfriend’s mouth. It would seem karma had plans for Hartman, as he accidentally shot himself in the buttocks when he put his gun down the back of his pants....
Elsewhere there have been suggestions that “Jester”, the BASE jumper in this video, was drunk. I think that might be because of his annoying – high on adrenaline – routine at the start because his movements seem far too measured when he does is his personal somersault and escapes...
What could possibly go wrong with an amateur rooftop bungee sledding adventure? Let’s start with the improvised bungee cord. It could either break or stretch too long. There’s also the massive building that our young adventurer could easily have swung into, oh and the icy, snow-covered roof that everyone...
A New Jersey pilot who dropped three rolls of toilet paper over a school from a plane struck a deal with prosecutors that has seen him sentenced to probation instead of hard time. The deal also requires that Warren Saunders writes an apology to the mayor and council of...
While I would like to believe that this photograph is part of a highly amusing prank (it wouldn’t be the first time that people had messed with product labels in a store), a big part of me is genuinely afraid that it isn’t and that someone was actually stupid...