
  • Judge Sworn In On Dictionary

    When no Bible was available a New York state judge had to take his oath of office on a different book, a dictionary. The situation arose at the swearing-in of Donald A. Williams at Ulster County Courthouse in Kingston, N.Y. Most officials bring their own family Bible for the...
  • Saudi Court Sentences Man To Death For Witchcraft

    It has been reported that on November 9 a Lebanese man on a religious pilgrimage to Medina, Saudi Arabia was sentenced to death for the crime of witchcraft. Ali Sibat was visiting Saudi Arabia last year when he was charged with the crime in relation to a television show...
  • Swine Flu Fears Lead to Automatic Holy Water Dispenser

    The H1N1 virus, or swine flu if  you will, has got the world in a state of panic.  Citizens are so fearful of catching the dreaded disease, they’ll go to amazing lengths to stay healthy. But leave it to the Italians to go that extra mile. An Italian inventor,...