
  • Japanese scientist figures out how to turn poop back into meat… or did he?

    Problem: our planet has already faced a few food crises and another one seems to be just around the corner. Extremely unsavory possible solution: eat artificial meat products made from our own excrement. That is the suggestion that Mitsuyuki Ikeda from the Environmental Assessment Center, Okayama, Japan… if he...
  • Unluckiest man on Earth or awesome faker [Double lightning strike]

    Lightning is some dangerous stuff and despite what many of the “experts” in this video’s comment thread on YouTube will tell you – it does sometimes strike twice and doesn’t always follow the rules. It is lightning man, it does whatever the hell it wants. Anyway, it could be...
  • Roadside birth caught on Google Streetview

    The Google Streetview cars have rolled past plenty of interesting scenes in the past: perverts loitering around strip clubs, crime scenes, etc. Now it would seem that a roadside birth has been added to the list… or that a merry band of pranksters just happened to be in the...
  • Guy tricks bully into drinking urine, find himself in legal hot water

    The case of “Todd” was raised on Reddit recently. If his friend is to be believed, “Todd” was the target of a serial bully who enjoyed stealing and drinking his Mountain Dew. Eventually the young man decided that enough was enough and that he was going to make the...
  • Scientists Claim: Presence of Beautiful Women Bad For Health

    Research undertaken at the University of Valencia has seen scientists arrive at a startling conclusion: beautiful women are bad for men’s health. The issue is to do with a hormone, namely cortisol, which is produced by the body under stressful conditions. One of those conditions, it seems, is being...
  • Croatian Penis Ready For Action After Lightning Strike

    Perkovci, Croatia: Plenty of people get a little nervous at the sound of thunder, but 35-year-old Zoran Jukovic has a better reason to than most – three years ago lightning struck his penis. Croatian Times reports that since the fateful day, Jurkovic has had trouble going outside after hearing...