
  • Young woman gets painful lesson on dangers of texting and walking [video]

    First of all, let me point out that I have nothing but sympathy for the young woman involved in this painful-looking accident. The time that it takes for her to start to get up could indicate that she was really hurt. Hopefully she was left with a painful lesson,...
  • South Carolina couple strip teen naked, threaten to cut off genitals because of racy texts

    Does this look like a South Carolina couple who doled out some vigilante justice on a 17-year-old because he sent a 15-year-old girl some racy texts? Yes…yes it does. Timothy Wilder, 30, and Wendy Cox, 51, residents of Surfside Beach, South Carolina, allegedly forced the unnamed 17-year-old to strip...
  • Barbie Video Doll : Innocent or Evil

    It seems as a community we are not content with our children just playing with Barbie Dolls, but we want to expose them to an adult world as well. How so? Mattel have recently introduced a new Barbie doll that incorporates a hidden video camera, a spy camera for want of another name. The media...
  • Text addiction?

    When I was young, it was common to have ‘marble thumb’ , specially if you liked to play with the big ‘tom thumb’ marble. Most of my school mates developed marble thumb during the latter half of the school year, when ‘dibs’ started getting serious, and the cats eyes marble was...
  • Flirtexting: Cheaters beware

    The casual convenience and privacy of SMS texting, or emailing from your phone, just got serious. A new survey has found that 40% of women – suspicious girlfriends and wives – admit they regularly snoop for flirty text messages on their partners phones. Worse news for the average bloke is that nearly...