September 27, 2009
Roman Polanski is currently being held by Swiss police on behalf of US authorities.
The fugitive director fled the United States in 1978, when he was due to be sentenced for having sex with a 13-year-old girl. His arrest in Switzerland relates to that case.
Polanski, 76, has since become a French citizen and has not returned to the United States since his trial. He was in Switzerland to receive an award at the Zurich Film Festival.

The Biz
There is a statute of limitations on rape, which range from 5 years to 17 years.
Tell that to the 13 year old girl, having to deal with being raped, let alone while still a child. Yeah, I’m sure her life after that was all honey and roses because of him.
Nevertheless, he was already convicted. Statutes of limitations only apply to those accused of a crime, not those convicted. He is a fugitive, and deserves to serve time for his perverted assault.
Justice requires he serve his time, and because he ditched the law for so long, I hope it’s until he dies. He made the choice to sexually assault a 13 year old girl, got a fair trial, and ran like the coward he is. I don’t think mercy need apply, even if he’s so-called “gifted”. Actions have consequences. Time to satisfy justice for that girl.
I heard it said that sometimes 13 year old girls lie.
Sometime 13 year old girls become so enthralled with a person they would go to any lenths to get what they want.
I question you idiots, Has Polanski raped or killed anyone since this witch hunt started?
Take for instance Glenn Beck allegedly raped and killed a young girl back in 1990.
Will his insanity see no end?? Tell the truth Beckk, stand up and be a man.
GlennBeckRapedAndMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990 dot com
The girl in question is a woman now and she sticks by her story.
There is a statute of limitations on rape, which range from 5 years to 17 years.
Tell that to the 13 year old girl, having to deal with being raped, let alone while still a child. Yeah, I’m sure her life after that was all honey and roses because of him.
Nevertheless, he was already convicted. Statutes of limitations only apply to those accused of a crime, not those convicted. He is a fugitive, and deserves to serve time for his perverted assault.
Justice requires he serve his time, and because he ditched the law for so long, I hope it’s until he dies. He made the choice to sexually assault a 13 year old girl, got a fair trial, and ran like the coward he is. I don’t think mercy need apply, even if he’s so-called “gifted”. Actions have consequences. Time to satisfy justice for that girl.
I heard it said that sometimes 13 year old girls lie.
Sometime 13 year old girls become so enthralled with a person they would go to any lenths to get what they want.
I question you idiots, Has Polanski raped or killed anyone since this witch hunt started?
Take for instance Glenn Beck allegedly raped and killed a young girl back in 1990.
Will his insanity see no end?? Tell the truth Beckk, stand up and be a man.
GlennBeckRapedAndMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990 dot com
The girl in question is a woman now and she sticks by her story.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, they will follow you to the ends of the earth until the end of time.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, they will follow you to the ends of the earth until the end of time.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by CSMagor and Seo Guru. Seo Guru said: RT @weinterrupt Roman Polanski Arrested on 31-year-old Warrant […]