A Washington burglar decided to rub some salt into his victims’ wounds by posting a picture of himself with their stuff on their Facebook page.
Marc Fisher, a reporter and editor at the Washington Post, reported that sometime between the hours of 10 a.m and 12:45 p.m. last Friday, a burglar entered Fisher’s house through the basement door and helped himself to pretty much everything of value that Fisher’s son owned.
He took a brand new winter coat, savings bonds, cash, a laptop and an iPod – but he wasn’t finished. After getting away he took the extra step of posting a photograph on the Facebook page belonging to Fisher’s son so that it could be seen by all 400 or so of his friends.
But it wasn’t only the family’s belongings that he was after. Probably an avid Facebook admirer, the man also felt compelled to upload a thank you image to the victim’s Facebook page that was followed by more than 400 teenagers. The photograph was accompanied by a comment, “Thank you for all the goodies, dawg. We’re good!”
D.C. police Officer Kyle Roe, explained that the burglar in question had made their jobs much easier:
I’ve seen a lot, but this is the most stupid criminal I’ve ever seen.
However, it seems that Roe’s confidence in he and his fellow officers’ policing abilities was a tad misplaced because they haven’t caught the guy yet… even with the self-supplied mugshot, possible fingerprint evidence and (I am assuming) the IP address that he used to access Facebook.
Fisher noted:
No wonder the guy in our photo wore such a confident smirk.
Maybe Roe’s approach should have been a little closer to the one you can see below.

Lol saw this posted as a thread on 4chan the night this happened but thought it was a call for personal army. I’ll be damned. Hope they catch this stupid son of a bitch.