Police in Arvada have arrested a boy for being a potential threat over some inappropriate stick figures he drew in class, following the advise from his own therapist.
The boy, authorities have chosen to call “Tim” to protect his identity, suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and was instructed by his therapist to draw stick figures, in order to calm down when he got upset instead of disrupting class. Unfortunately though, the drawing he made was of himself (as a stick-man) , with a handgun, shooting at four other stick-men labeled as teachers.
Granted the drawing is accompanied by a caption stating “Teachers must die”, which sounds more like a heavy metal band tribute album, rather than a threat.
It remains unclear as to who alerted the authorities but it is most people’s opinion that they’ve overreacted in this case, as the boy was picked up at his home in the evening, brought to a police station, denied of dinner and made to give fingerprints and mugshots.
If you think this sucks though, consider that the police are going on record as saying that they only did their job (video above) and stating that they’ve done what had to be done. This reinforces a theory which claims that we are losing our freedom day in day out; Yesterday we took bobby pins, water bottles and nail clippers out of airplanes, and we were told we wouldn’t be allowed to park our own vehicle on our own property, because it “looked bad”. Today our kids are getting arrested in school over their drawings, even though nobody has any evidence that shows our kids have any kind of access to firearms.