London ice cream parlor offering ice cream made of human breast milk

You know how some ideas look good on paper, but don’t really work out to well when put into motion?  Well,  this idea doesn’t look good on paper, in motion, or anywhere else for that matter.

Icecreamists, a London based ice cream parlor, is debuting it’s newest concoction, “Baby Gaga,” which just so happens to be made with breast milk donated by nursing mothers.  The $23 a serving dessert is served in a martini glass, because nothing screams classy like breast milk ice cream.  It’s also flavored with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, and liquid nitrogen is added in afterwards using a syringe.

And as disgusting as breast milk ice cream sounds, it’s apparently quite popular, according to the people at the Icecreamists…

“The response has been amazing. People at first say it’s disgusting because it’s a bodily fluid, but so is cow’s milk,” said owner Matt O’Connor. “People love it when they try it.”

The Icecreamists say Baby Gaga will be on the menu as long as the supplies keep flowing.

As repulsive as ice cream made of breast milk sounds to me, I can live knowing that such a product exists…so long as the fine people at the Icecreamists don’t try experimenting with other bodily fluids for their ice cream, because that would be just too much.



Jeff Greenwell is the writer/editor of Last Angry Fan. Jeff has been known to rock a Speedo while belting out Robert Goulet tunes from his front porch, and in his spare time he enjoys capturing and training feral goats to be his minions. Also known to dig a nice brick of cheese from time to time.
One Comment
  • Baby Gaga breast-milk ice cream taken off the market
    1 March 2011 at 4:02 pm
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    […] Westminster UK by a company called The Icecreamists, Baby Gaga had for only difference, that it was made from human breast-milk. I had read the news and figured that there wasn’t going to be much to write about it, except […]

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