April 8, 2011
On a scale of 1-10 I rate my bravery around level around a 6. I don’t care for roller coasters and I’m not going to take a bullet for a president or other person of merit – but I don’t flinch at earthquakes and handle extreme turbulence with ease. This cobra pit cleaner scores a 10: note the casual ease with which he picks up and tosses the deadly snakes out of the way so that he can sweep up their eggs, shed skin and droppings. As he confidently goes about his work, a good number of the deadly reptiles stand poised, ready to strike no more than a wrong step away from his exposed legs and feet.

Thanks Jeff
Amazing that whoever is in charge of that primitive facility apparently allows the “pit cleaner” to handle those cobras so abusively. Did you notice the dead snake lying on the ground behind the cleaner? In addition, you can be sure that those eggs will never hatch – obviously, the cobras were not provided with suitable nesting sites (very simple to provide), otherwise, they would not have laid their eggs on that bare cement. It would be fitting for the cleaner to get bitten – not so much as “payback” for the way he brutalizes the snakes, but for his stupidity in unnecessarily creating an increased risk to himself – the snakes could be handled just as easily (and more gently) with a conventional snake “hook”, and, much more safely. A great example of the fact that there is no shortage of ignorant idiots in this world.