Go The F*** To Sleep tops the Amazon book chart!

Yes! A good book, intended for adults with small children has finally (almost) been released. And you’ve read it right, the title is Go The F*** To Sleep, it’s no.1 on the Amazon sales before it’s even released. This makes it not only awesome, but also on my personal hit list of the fun stuff I’ll bring with me to work. You see? On my daily commute to, and from work, I’m forced to take an hour long commuter train ride. The morning ride is (usually) relatively quiet, after all at that early time, everyone is a zombie.

Sadly the same can’t be said about the afternoon ride for on almost every day, there’s a man with three (yes three!) small children, two of which are toddlers in their terrible twos, and one (a girl) under two, strapped to her father by a baby carrier harness. Is it noisy?


It’s no secret to the people who know me well, that I barely tolerate other people’s kids, and toddlers are in fact kids only smaller, noisier, with more, fresher snot, and less manners. So for me, it is sheer torture to have to sit in a crowded train car, with what is basically an ambulant condom advert.

I feel that I can’t possibly be the only one who is that way with other people’s kids so, shouldn’t there be some form of etiquette when children are concerned? Kinda like the unspoken cell phone rules, only better because it concerns children.

Random Absurdity

Limited production music, fiction and comedy. Actually, very limited. To follow on Twitter: Child of Glass
One Comment
  • Samuel L. Jackson reads “Go the F**k to Sleep” [video]
    16 June 2011 at 10:19 pm
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    […] cut a long story short, Go the F*ck to Sleep is doing pretty well – it even managed to catch the eye of one Samuel L. Jackson, who knows his way around a curse […]

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