Women sue Greyhound for witnessing decapitation

Oh, sweet irony. Note that this is an actual Greyhound ad pulled shortly after McLean's murder.

Oh, sweet irony. Note that this is an actual Greyhound ad pulled shortly after McLean's murder.

There’s a lot of reasons why I don’t ride Greyhound buses, but now I have a few more.

In 2008, Tim McLean was stabbed to death, decapitated, and subsequently cannibalized on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba by Vince Li, a man who has since been judged not criminally responsible due to insanity.  These events occurred while the bus was in transit, forcing passengers to witness the murder.

And then the story gets weird.

Two female passengers from Ontario are now seeking $3 million in damages each – $1 million for ‘general’ damages, another million for ‘nervous shock’ damages, and a third million in ‘special’ damages from Greyhound, Vince Li, the state of Manitoba and the law enforcement department.

I’m not sure how ‘nervous shock’ damages are not ‘special’ but I’m also wary to call this lawsuit frivolous, as I’ve never borne witness to cannibalism.  Nevertheless, the family of Tim McLean only sued for $150,000 in damages, so I’m not sure how these two witnesses think $3 million each is in any way fair compensation. [Source; Image]

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