Inception meets The Wire: Sting within a sting catches detective red-handed

brent wooddell
Yo dawg, we heard you like stings. So we put a sting in your sting so you could get arrested for arresting.
brent wooddell

Yo dawg, we heard you like stings. So we put a sting in your sting so you could get arrested for arresting.

How do you catch a crooked cop?  Set him up as an undercover agent buying pills from another undercover officer, let him confiscate the money, then count the money he’s brought back to the station.  If it’s less than what he confiscated, you’ve got yourself a crook.

Enter Detective Brent Wooddell, a Broward County Sheriff’s Office detective.  He made contact with a Miami-Dade undercover officer posing as a dealer looking to move oxycodone pills.  When the trade was completed, officers moved in and ‘arrested’ the Miami-Dade officer and allowed Wooddell to take the confiscated pills and $7,340 in cash to the Deerfield Beach substation.  However, officers followed him en-route and noted that he took the scenic route.  When he arrived at the substation, he turned in the pills and $6,000 in cash – a bit over $1300 less than he should’ve.

Wooddell has been charged with official misconduct and grand theft.  [Source; Image]

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