It's like climbing a staircase, except the stairs are very small and made of ancient brick that crumbles when you step on it the wrong way.
Ma Jei of Nanjing, China is a bad influence, to say the least.
As a child, she frequently climbed the walls of Zhongau Castle, which are shaped similar to steep steps. So when she visited the castle again as an adult, it wasn’t a huge deal for her to dodge the £2.50 by climbing 70 feet up the walls. In fact, she made it look easy. Easy enough that five unfortunate tourists attempted the same feat, resulting in two sets of broken legs and three tourists requiring rescue crews in order to be removed safely from the walls.
The scene is most evident in photographs: In the first, Jei is roughly halfway up the wall, which is manned by a flock of concerned tourists; in the next, Jei is safely at the top of the wall, while the flock has moved on to laugh at that other guy who tried the same thing and is just a few seconds away from failing miserably. [Source]