Baggage X-Ray exposes drunk tourist in Rome airport luggage area

A 36 year old Norwegian man who hasn’t been named yet, has been uncovered asleep on the luggage conveyor at the Fiumicino airport in the Italian capital. The man walked in the airport drunk and with a beer in one hand and a single backpack for luggage. He was supposed to board a flight back to Oslo but once he reached the luggage check terminal at the airport he found nobody was there.

In a very wise judgement call, he decided to leap over the counter and somehow managed to fall drunk asleep on the luggage conveyor that ferries luggage from the counters to the cargo area. He was carried briefly by the conveyor system until he reached the X-Ray scan post where he was discovered by some surprised security guards.

The man remained asleep during the whole ordeal, to the point where security guards had trouble rousing him awake after discovering him. He was sent to hospital because of the higher X-Ray dosage he was exposed to in the machine designed to scan inanimate objects like shaving cream, underarm deodorant or free vibrators obtained from the Trojan giveaway in NYC.



Limited production music, fiction and comedy. Actually, very limited. To follow on Twitter: Child of Glass
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