Ohio man thinks bird poop on car windshield is image of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Jesus ChristSorry, but try as I might, I just don’t see it. Looks more like a horse with a finely coiffed mane than the Son of God.

Brooklyn, Ohio native Jim Lawry was visiting his parents when he noticed a rather significant bit of bird droppings on his car’s windshield. Upon further inspection Lawry believed that the poop revealed to him the image of Jesus Christ. Lawry believes the spiritual bird plop to be a sign from above.

If you ask me, the only sign that bird crap is revealing is that a) Jim Lawry has too much time on his hands, and b) his car is in need of a good washing. Hey, I know the lord reveals himself in mysterious ways, but I’d like to think that by now he’s above using animal feces as his medium.

[News Channel 5]


Jeff Greenwell is the writer/editor of Last Angry Fan. Jeff has been known to rock a Speedo while belting out Robert Goulet tunes from his front porch, and in his spare time he enjoys capturing and training feral goats to be his minions. Also known to dig a nice brick of cheese from time to time.
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