Porn Stars As Guest Speakers A Good Thing Says Headmaster

A high-end British school’s headmaster (principal) says he’s all for bringing in porn stars as guest speakers for students in his school.

Mark Slater is the headmaster for the historical and academically acclaimed educational institution The Leys in Cambridge. He feels that with the onslaught of pornography students can find online there’s a serious risk that students will loose the ability to develop healthy, meaningful relationships because their perception is that the sex in porn is what it should always be.

Bringing in adult film actors to talk about the reality of it is Slater’s way of trying to break the misconception too much porn can give teens.

“I don’t think you can escape porn given that it’s almost impossible to legislate against what goes on the Internet.”Slater told media. He adds that the school feels pastoral care is the most important part of their job.  “under the heading pastoral care comes the need to prepare people for life, for their future, and an important part of that is their relationships.”

While there’s no porn stars on the agenda yet, Slater says he’s not against having them talk to the students about the differences between real life and online fantasy. As long as the parents don’t object it could be a good thing. Or it could backfire if no one can keep their mind on what the actors are saying.

[ Source]


A freelance writer & radio announcer with a general love for the bizarre, the weird and the unique.
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