That’s gotta hurt: Cop tased in his ‘bros’ by boss

No bros were tased in the making of this article.

No bros were tased in the making of this article.

A simple disagreement between two officers in Arizona last year ended poorly for the subordinate, who found his testicles on the business end of a Taser gun.

I don’t quite understand why anybody looking down the barrel of such a weapon would say “Are you going to use it?  Go ahead.”  But that’s exactly what Pedro Molera told Sgt. Sergio Bon after a tense confrontation involving a particularly menacing clipboard.  In any case, Molera was unprepared for what would happen next, as Bon pressed the Taser to Molera’s genitals and pulled the trigger for two seconds, delivering a “Drive Stun” (in which the electrodes deliver a shock directly through the tip of the weapon rather than through the projectile barbs) straight to Molera’s babymakers.

Now Molera is seeking unspecified damages from both Bon and the Nogales Police Department.  Sergio Bon resigned before he could be fired for the incident.  [Source; Image]

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