Everybody’s favorite slingshot engineer Joerg Sprave is back risking his life and digits again with another dangerous-looking slingshot contraption. His latest creation is a oversized slingshot that fires rotating saw blades… fun times. I would add the usual, “don’t try this at home” disclaimer, but the people that are...
Although a large part of this author really hopes that a bunch of people raised enough money to raise this billboard somewhere near Harold Camping’s Oakland headquarters – something tells me it is just a quick and easy Photoshop effort. For the record, the Gimp traces in the file...
It is now 6:02 in the p.m. here in Japan and I can confirm that my good Christian neighbor has not been beamed up to heaven; there have been no great earthquakes (except for the one we had a couple of months ago); there are no trumpets; and I...
In case you hadn’t heard, some crackpot preacher from Oakland has predicted that all good Christians are going to be whisked up to heaven at 6 p.m. local time. With my love of the fast life and my lack of religion I am apparently going to be subjected to...
Over my years on this planet I’ve met a few people who have spent time behind bars. Something that I gleaned from their stories is that each person’s experience will differ according to their own character and their country of imprisonment’s philosophy on crime and punishment. In some countries...
I am not a person who eats candy. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good bit of dark chocolate every now and again – hard candy just isn’t my cup of tea. That being said if it tasted like bacon like this bacon-flavored lollipop does, I could probably...
Lightning is some dangerous stuff and despite what many of the “experts” in this video’s comment thread on YouTube will tell you – it does sometimes strike twice and doesn’t always follow the rules. It is lightning man, it does whatever the hell it wants. Anyway, it could be...
In case you have been living under a rock for the last few days you will have probably already heard that Osama bin Laden shuffled off this mortal coil with a little help from double-tap to the side of the face. By now his body would have reached its...
As far as I am aware there are a couple of ways that Bin Laden’s first name can be spelled: the “O” version and the “U” version – Osama or Usama. Spelling it with a “b” – well that is just in bad case for all concerned. Thanks Andrew!...