• Report issues to make We Interrupt a safer, happier place

    Regular users of We Interrupt will be aware that this site runs ads – quite a lot of them in fact. While we would love to keep this site ad free, simple economics makes that impossible. It costs money to rent servers, pay our excellent team and purchase the...
  • We want writers!

    If you are passionate about weird news and an enthusiastic writer, we just might have a place for you here at We Interrupt. We are looking for two part-time writers who are able to commit to writing approximately four stories a week. If you are interested, and are able...
  • We Interrupt Writing Contest #1

    We Interrupt is one year young next month, so we have decided to celebrate by throwing a writing contest. If you would like a chance to win our grand prize, the complete first season of my latest favorite television show Breaking Bad on DVD (or Blu-ray if it is...